Page 4 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Concerts in the Hall. Residents will receive informa-
park scheduled tion about crime trends and safety.
The 2019 Concerts in the Park Residents will also have the opportu-
schedule has been released. The con- nity to ask questions.
A representative from Crime
cert series, presented by the Wayne Stoppers of Michigan will be at the
Rotary Club, is held at the amphithe- meeting to discuss their organization
atre in Goudy Park on Wednesday as well.
nights at 7:30 p.m.
July 17-Major Woody
(Rock, Dance, Alternative, Knit and crochet night
R & B, Motown) The Wayne Public Library is start-
July 24-Theo Gridiron ing a casual monthly knitting and
(Pure Detroit soul) crocheting night! Bring any of your
July 31-Live Bullet Detroit knitting or crocheting supplies and
(A Bob Seger Experience) enjoy a casual meet-up with fellow
August 7-Rock Star crafters. Knit and Crochet Nights
(80s Hair Band) run from 5:30-7:30 p.m., but you’re
August 14-Steve King & free to drop in at any point during
the Dittilies (Variety) that time to get to know other atten-
August 21-Power Play dees and to work on your projects.
(Rock) This is an adult program, but teens
August 28-Fifty Amp Fuse Wayne Society Board Member John Mills speaks at the Wayne Rotary Club rededi- are welcome to join in as well! The li-
(Greatest hits of all Time) brary is located at 3737 S. Wayne Rd.
cation of the Wayne Memorial rock at the Wayne Historical Museum on May 28,
Major sponsors: Beaumont Hos- 2019. Family game night
pital, Mark Chevrolet, Wayne Down- the areas they will be installed at. finalized. The Wayne Public Library, 3737
town Development Authority
Everyone will then get the posts S. Wayne Rd., will be hosting Family
dropped in preparation for assembly. Book signing event Game Night on June 5. The festivi-
Playscape build On Saturday, June 29, everything Books on the Avenue, 35622 W. ties start at 5:30 p.m. Try out a new
volunteers being sought will be assembled. This will consist Michigan Ave, will be hosting a book game or challenge your family mem-
mainly of lots of lifting parts and
bers to a classic! There will be a wide
Beaumont has ordered a new bolting them together. This will be a signing on Saturday, June 8, 4:00- variety of board games—favorites
Playscape for Rotary Park II from collaborative effort between everyone 6:00 p.m. Come celebrate the release like Monopoly, Connect 4, Parcheesi,
Miracle Playscapes. Miracle makes participating. of The Silence of Silver and support and Clue—as well as some new
great equipment and is the manufac- The manufacturer recommends your local authors! Join authors games you might not have experi-
turer the majority of playscapes in at least 16 participants to construct Bridget Leanne and Carl Joseph Cas- enced yet! Drop in for a few minutes
Wayne and our surrounding cities the particular model we'll be getting. cone for a meet and greet and book or stay for hours. All ages are wel-
come from. Hours are not yet finalized, but it will signing. Copies will be available for come!
On Friday, June 28, the Wayne likely be an all-day event both days. sale. The Silence of Silver is a story
DPW (Department of Public Works) We just wanted to give everyone a about the strength and love of the
will be preparing the ground at the heads up, so they could block these Plata family while they deal with an Charity car show
park with a Bobcat and an auger days out on their calendars should accident that leaves their father and The Wayne Masonic Lodge,
while volunteers unload the they want to participate. This event husband stuck within himself. 37137 Palmer Rd, Westland, invites
playscape and move components to will be updated as more details are Police community meeting you to their 2019 Charity Car Show.
All cars are welcome. The entrance
There will be a Police Community fee is $15 which includes a goodie
Meeting on June 13 at 7:00 p.m. The bag and a t-shirt. All proceeds go to
meeting will be held at Wayne City See Briefs, page 10
4 · June 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch