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Updates begin on Wayne’s
outdated master plan
According to Wayne Mayor John transparency, predictability and effi-
Rhaesa, “The City of Wayne received ciency into their daily development
notification from the State of Michi- practices, according to the MEDC
gan that they will be providing tech- website.”
nical support to the City to update “Along with the benefits of becom-
the outdated master plan. ing an RRC-certified community, the
This incredible opportunity has current plan is in need of an update,
been made possible with the support with the last master plan update oc-
of the Michigan Economic Develop- curring in the 1960’s.”
ment Corporation’s Redevelopment “A City's Master Plan also serves
Ready Communities Department. as a guide for public and private de-
Without this support, the City would cision-makers regarding the future
have had to eventually identify fund- physical development of the City.
ing ($50,000-$60,000) in the general The master plan is composed of doc-
fund to complete this required up- uments, or “elements,” that cover the
date.” City’s major geographical areas and
“The master plan is just the first its essential citywide facilities. These
step in the city becoming certified by plans provide a framework for pre-
Redevelopment Ready Communities serving the City’s unique character,
(RRC), which would allow the city to ensuring its diversity, supporting in-
apply to certain grants from the state vestment and promoting desired
that we currently do not qualify for. change.”
RRC is a program run through the “This project will begin in the next
Michigan Economic Development month and we will be asking for the
Corporation that measures and cer- community's input as an integral
tifies communities that integrate part of the process moving forward.”
6 · June 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch