Page 12 - The Wayne Dispatch
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BRIEFS, Continued from page 4 Downtown Wayne by the date of the drive. corner, and when tragedy strikes, it’s
Scarecrow Show “Hosting a blood drive ties in with up to Nancy and her new-found
Rd. in Livonia. This event is FREE The scarecrows will be back in WWFCU’s core values of giving back schoolmates to get to the heart of the
to all military veterans, friends, fam- town. to the community,” said WWFCU matter.
ily and caregivers. Register at School is in, nights are shorter CEO Thelma Dasho. “With a simple This book is a winner of the 2017 or call and that means scarecrows are blood donation, we can help save the Hugo Award, the 2017 Alex Aware,
Beth at (734) 495-1200. life of someone who could be a the 2017 Locus Award and the 2016
back! Every year residents, down- coworker, loved one or neighbor.” Nebula Award. For more information
town businesses and community
Police community meeting groups get together to create scare- Blood is a perishable product that about the Teen Book Club, please
The next police community meet- crows that are displayed around can only come from volunteer blood call the library (734) 721-7832
ing will be Thursday, September 26, Downtown Wayne. donors. With someone in the U.S.
at 7:00 p.m., at Wayne City Hall. During the month of October, needing blood every two seconds, Book club for 4th,
Learn what is happening in Wayne Wayne Main Street hosts a Facebook blood products must be constantly 5th and 6th graders
and get your questions answered. voting contest, in-person contest (Oc- replenished, according to the Red The Wayne Public Library hosts a
tober 16) and a Judges’ Choice Cross. Book Club for 4th, 5th and 6th
“The short amount of time it
Class of 1979 Award. Get the most votes online, in- takes to donate can mean a lifetime graders. The next meeting will be
40-year reunion person, or be crowned the Judges' to a patient with a serious medical Thursday, September 26, 4:00-5:00
The Wayne Memorial High School Choice winner and you will receive a condition. We urge all eligible donors p.m. Read “The True Story of Red
Class of 1979 40-year reunion will $100 cash prize! to join us in the selfless act of giving Riding Hood” by Liesl Shirtiff and
be held on Saturday, September 28, Here are the important dates for blood.” Donors of all blood types are then come for the hour-long discus-
starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Subur- this year’s contest: needed, especially those with types O sion and treats. Registration is re-
ban Collection Showplace in Novi. Now – September 21 Register to negative, B negative and A negative. quired. Call (734) 721-7832 Ext.
For more information and to pur- participate. Go to www.downtown- According to the Red Cross, type O 623 or stop by the Youth Reference
chase tickets, go to www.wmhsclas- or call Wayne Main Street negative is the universal blood type desk.
sof79 or call Terence Duncan at at 734-629-6822 to sign up. If you that can be safely given to anyone
(313) 205-7933. already have a scarecrow frame, reg- and is often used to treat trauma pa- Pumpkin spice and
istration is $15; registration is $20 tients.
if you need a frame. everything nice
Toast Wayne returns September 29 Drop off your Teens! Are you a pumpkin spice
in new location scarecrow at the Wayne Historical Teen book club lover? Then join the team at the
Mark your calendars for Thurs- Museum. Wayne Main Street volun- The Teen Book Club at the Wayne Wayne Public Library as they help
day, October 3, as Wayne Main Street teers will install your scarecrow in Public Library will be meeting Tues- you make a few pumpkin spice
will be hosting their annual fundrais- Downtown Wayne for the month of day, September 24, 3:30-4:30 p.m. snacks of your own! The recipes
ing event Toast Wayne. This year’s October. If you would like to drop off The book will be “Every Heart a don't require any baking, and you
event will take place at an exciting your scarecrow early, please call the Doorway” by Seanan McGuire. will be supplied with recipe cards if
new location, the former site of St. WMS offices at 734-629-6822 to Nancy tumbled once, but now you want to make the treats again at
Mary’s School (34530 W. Michigan make an appointment. she’s back. The things she’s experi- home.
Avenue, Wayne MI 48184) next to St. October 1 – October 16 Facebook enced... they change a person. The You will need to bring a mi-
Mary’s Church in downtown Wayne. voting takes place. children under Miss West’s care un- crowave-safe coffee mug; everything
Toast Wayne is a strolling, October 16 The Scarecrow Recep- derstand all too well. And each of else will be supplied. Must be age 12
evening event that features live tion will take place from 4:00-7:00 them is seeking a way back to their or a teenager for this program. No
music, a complimentary bar, a cu- p.m. in Derby’s Alley. Participants own fantasy world. But Nancy’s ar- sign-up required for this event on
rated silent auction and unique ap- can cast their vote for the in-person rival marks a change at the Home. Wednesday, October 16, from 6:00-
petizer stations sponsored by contest. Facebook, in-person, and There’s a darkness just around each 7:00 p.m.
Wayne-area restaurants. Guests have Judges’ Choice winners will be an-
the opportunity to sample numerous nounced at 7:00 p.m. Cider and
food offerings and bid on amazing donuts will be served.
silent auction packages all for a great
cause! Credit union giving back
Pre-sale tickets are on sale now with blood drive
for $35 each or 4 tickets for $100. Wayne Westland Federal Credit
To purchase tickets, visit www.down- Union (WWFCU) is hosting a commu- or call WMS at 734- nity blood drive with the American
629-6822. Red Cross on Friday, September 13.
This event is Wayne Main Street’s For more information or to make an
signature fundraiser and enables the appointment to donate, call (734)
organization to continue its mission 721-5700 or sign up online at red-
of building a revitalized and vibrant
downtown Wayne. We hope to see Type in zip code 48186 and search
you at Toast Wayne this year!
12 · September 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch