Page 13 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 13

Strong communities make for strong recovery

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       recovery-oriented organizations have
             National Recovery Month is a na-                                                                     also  played  an  essential  role  in
          tional observance held every Septem-                                                                    states, cities, towns, and neighbor-
          ber  to  educate  Americans  that                                                                       hoods to help countless people start
          substance use treatment and mental                                                                      and sustain their recovery.”
          health services can enable those with
          a mental and/or substance use disor-                                                                       Also, “Strong communities make
          der to live a healthy and rewarding                                                                     for  strong  recovery.  Community
          life.                                                                                                   members—including families, neigh-
             Tony Perry has been on recovery                                                                      bors, employers, educators, charita-
          road for the past 10 ½ years. Born                                                                      ble  organizations,  and  faith-based
          and raised in Westland, he struggled                                                                    institutions—  are  the  backbone  of
          with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyper-                                                                     communities  that  foster  recovery
          activity Disorder), dyslexia and slow-                                                                  among its residents. Research shows
          learning. Addicted to drugs since the                                                                   that peer support services can pro-
          age of 15, he sold drugs and became                                                                     vide a valuable approach to guide in-
          caught up in the system. He’s had                                                                       dividuals as they work to maintain
          his home raided and been convicted                                                                      recovery.”
          of felonies.                                                                                               Helping  others  in  recovery  is
             When he got off probation for his                                                                    what  helps  Tony.  “It’s  a  daily
          felonies,  Tony  says  he  was  a  dope                                                                 process,”  he  says,  “but  it  can  be
          fiend who had lost everything. His                                                                      done.”  His  advice  for  others  who
          dad  had  been  killed  by  a  drunk                                                                    want to recover?  “Go to meetings
          driver when Tony was 19. He had no                                                                      and  listen  to  those  who’ve  been
          friends.  No  one  wanted  to  hang                                                                     around for awhile. Take that energy
          around him. He says he wanted to                                                                        you used to get high and put that en-
          die. While sitting in his father’s base-                                                                ergy into recovery.”
          ment, “I felt like I had no option to                                                                      Tony  says  there  is  a  recovery
          live.” He tried to kill himself while                                                                   meeting  every  Monday  evening  at
          telling God he couldn’t live like this                                                                  6:30  p.m.  at  CrossPointe  Commu-
          anymore. “It didn’t work,” he says.                                                                     nity  Church,  36125  Glenwood  Rd,
          His  family  found  him,  and  his  life                                                                Wayne. All are welcome to attend.
          changed.                                                                                                    Find  alcohol,  drug,  or  mental
             Tony went to church, got saved,                                                                      health treatment facilities and pro-
          and started the 12-step program at                                                                      grams  around  the  country  at  find-
          the church. Now he does community                                                             
          service with the Saved by Grace min-                                                                       Find  information  on  locating
          istry  at  CrossPointe  Community                                                                       practitioners  and  treatment  pro-
          Church in Wayne. This ministry ex-                                                                      grams  authorized  to  treat  opioids,
          ists to help those who are seeking                                                                      such as heroin or prescription pain
          God’s help in ridding their lives of  Tony Perry has been in recovery for over 10 years. He says his life has changed sig-  relievers,  at
          addiction and drawing closer to Him.                                                                    ication-assisted-treatment/pract-
             Westland Youth Assistance Exec-  nificantly since he made the decision to leave a life of drugs behind.  itioner-program-data/treatment-prac
          utive Director Paul Motz says Tony  pactful manner. He speaks of help  gether We Are Stronger, emphasizes  titioner-locator.
          was  “awarded  the  Spirit  of  Giving  being  available  and  most  impor-  the  need  to  share  resources  and  Find treatment programs in your
          Award for his willingness to share  tantly  of  hope.  He  encourages  our  build networks across the country to  state that treat recent onset of seri-
          his story with our program partici-  young  people  to  take  advantage  of  support the many paths to recovery.  ous  mental  illnesses  such  as  psy-
          pants.” Motz went on to say “Tony  opportunities that he did not have  It reminds us that mental and sub-  chosis,   schizophrenia,   bi-polar
          had a difficult childhood to say the  when he was young. Tony is a giving  stance use disorders affect all of us  disorder,  and  other  conditions  at
          least. Like many victims of trauma,  young man with a huge heart. He is  and that we are all part of the solu-
          Tony coped by engaging in reckless  a good friend that you can count on  tion.  The  Recovery  Month  obser-  locator.
          behaviors. His choices created dan-  and has been a tremendous asset to  vance will highlight inspiring stories  1-800-662-HELP (4357)
          gerous situations for himself and for  the Westland Youth Assistance Pro-  to help thousands of people from all  TTY: 1-800-487-4889
          others. He eventually reached a point  gram.”                         walks of life find the path to hope,  Website:
          of deciding to live or not. He chose to  Tony also gives back to the com-  health, and overall wellness. During  help/national-helpline
          live. He also chose to help others and  munity by his outreach work in the  the  30th  anniversary  of  Recovery  Also known as, the Treatment Re-
          he has done so successfully. He has  Norwayne community. In the span of  Month, communities across the na-  ferral Routing Service, this Helpline
          been a phenomenal speaker for our  10 years, he has married, has two  tion  will  reflect  on  their  positive  provides 24-hour free and confiden-
          at-risk youth and their families. He  children and a house.           strides and their plans to make re-  tial treatment referral and informa-
          speaks approximately six-eight times  According to,  covery support services more acces-  tion about mental and/or substance
          per year sharing his vulnerabilities  “The  2019  Recovery  Month  theme,  sible so people can live meaningful  use disorders, prevention, and recov-
          and road to recovery in a very im-  Join  the  Voices  for  Recovery:  To-  and productive lives. Over the years,  ery in English and Spanish.
                                                                                                             The Wayne Dispatch · September 2019 · 13
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