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How yoga changed my life for the better

          By Courtney Conover                                                                                     their own yoga mats and are pretty
             I had no idea that when I popped                                                                     adept at certain yoga poses. But be-
          a  VHS  recording  of  Rodney  Yee's                                                                    fore I encouraged them to move on
          Yoga for Energy into my VCR back in                                                                     the mat, I made a point to emphasize
          1998 that, over the course of several                                                                   the  importance  of  harnessing  the
          years, the gift of yoga would far ex-                                                                   power of their breath first, so that
          ceed  my  wildest  expectations  and                                                                    when  they  are  nervous,  scared,  or
          transform my life.                                                                                      uncertain during real-life situations,
             Some background on me: I’m a                                                                         their breath can help restore a sense
          local gal. I was raised in Westland, at-                                                                of calm.
          tended Wayne-Westland Community                                                                            That, too, is yoga.
          Schools, and graduated from John                                                                           And I’d be remiss if I didn’t in-
          Glenn  High  School  in  1995.  After                                                                   clude my husband in this scenario.
          earning a bachelor of arts degree in                                                                    Those who know my husband also
          Communications  from  the  Univer-                                                                      know that he’s hard to miss because
          sity of Michigan in Ann Arbor, my ca-                                                                   he’s 6’7” and 295 pounds. He’s also
          reer  took  me  from  coast  to                                                                         a former NFL offensive lineman who
          coast—literally: I was a television re-                                                                 played  six  seasons  for  the  Detroit
          porter for a CBS affiliate in South                                                                     Lions  and  spent  his  entire  career
          Carolina  and,  as  a  narrator  and                                                                    blocking  for  Hall  of  Fame  running
          model for both Honda and Jaguar,                                                                        back Barry Sanders.
          I’ve worked countless auto shows, in-                                                                      And  Scott’s  got  the  aches  and
          cluding  San  Jose,  Detroit,  Boston,  Courtney Conover recently started teaching at Hype Athletics here in Wayne teaching  pains to prove it: I always tell people
          and  numerous  cities  in  between.  I                                                                  that  you  don’t  collide  with  300-
          eventually  found  my  way  back   yoga on Mondays at 10 a.m. and Fridays at 9:30 a.m.                  pound men for a living and come out
          home—even proudly serving the res-  breath is the key.                                                  unscathed.  Every  morning,  Scott
          idents of Westland as Deputy Mayor    Contrary  to  what  we  may  have                                 gets out of bed with his three side-
          from 2007 until 2009.              come  to  believe,  yoga  isn’t  about                               kicks, Snap, Crackle, and Pop!
             And  through  all  the  aforemen-  twisting  like  a  pretzel,  or  looking                             Thankfully,  Scott’s  simple  yoga
          tioned fast-paced professions, here’s  good in our workout pants – or our                               practice, which is comprised of the
          what  had  remained  a  constant:  bathing suit, for that matter. The pur-                              most  basic  yoga  postures,  has
          Though generally optimistic, I was a  pose of yoga is to quiet our mind and                             helped  him  maintain  range  of  mo-
          worrier and control freak by nature.  ultimately find peace and awareness                               tion within the areas of his body that
          That’s just who I was. As a child, I re-  within ourselves.                                             have sustained substantial injury.
          member my mother pulling back the     Let me put it another way: Failing                                   We  all  have  our  own  bag  of
          covers  when  waking  me  up  in  the  to  honor—meaning,  focus  on—our                                "stuff"—ailments,   physical   chal-
          morning  and  jokingly  inquiring  breath  during  yoga  is  like  eating                               lenges,  and  even  insecurities—and
          whether she would find me or a huge  pasta with our fingers. Sure, we can                               while yoga can't erase these hurdles,
          wart in my place.                  do it. But wouldn’t the entire experi-                               it can help us cope better. Yoga gives
             To this day, I credit my yoga prac-  ence be more pleasant with utensils?                            us the ability to surrender.
          tice with giving me the tools neces-  I finally realized this in my tenth                                  My approach to yoga instruction
          sary  to  handle  all  the  stress  I  year of practicing yoga—better late                              is simple: Just show up on your mat,
          endured back then. Although I’d be  than never, right?—and I decided I                                  breathe,  and  accept  your  body  for
          dog tired at the end of the day, I’d un-  wanted to teach yoga to help guide                            what it can do today. That’s it.
          roll my yoga mat in my tiny apart-  others on their own yoga journey. So,                                  I invite you to join me: I’m excited
          ment—or  whatever  hotel  I  was   in 2011 I earned my RYT-200 teach-                                   to have recently joined the staff of
          staying at during an auto show—and  ing  certification  from  Sattva  Yoga                              Hype Athletics here in Wayne where
          breathe, stretch, and move for as lit-  Center,  a  Yoga  Alliance  registered                          I’m teaching yoga on Mondays at 10
          tle as 10 minutes, or as long as an  school, in Dearborn, Michigan. And                                 a.m.  and  Fridays  at  9:30  a.m.
          hour. It wasn’t always much…but it  I am humbled and grateful to have                                   Whether you’re a senior who hopes
          was  something.  And  it  helped.  Im-  since taught in a variety of locales in-                        to attain a better sense of balance, a
          mensely.                           cluding  Taylor  Yoga  in  Taylor,  De-                              banged up former football player, or
             You  see,  far  too  often,  yoga  is  troit’s Ford Field, Marriott Hotel in                         a person who can barely touch his or
          characterized  as  solely  a  physical  Romulus,  Wayne  Memorial  High                                 her toes, yoga is for everyone—liter-
          practice, something reserved for bod-  School, and Detroit Lions Academy                                ally, every body—and I would love to
          ies that are young, thin, and bendy,  in Detroit, just to name a few.                                   see you in class.
          and I’m here to tell you that that is  And  here’s  the  most  important                                   My ultimate goal is to help you
          not the full picture. Our breath is far  place I’ve taught: home.                                       unlock your full potential while si-
          more important than our flexibility.  Five months after becoming certi-                                 multaneously  encouraging  you  to
          The very definition of the Sanskrit  fied  to  teach  yoga,  my  husband,                               proceed at your own pace.
          word yoga is to unite (or “yoke”) the  Scott, and I welcomed our firstborn,  years later, I gave birth to our daugh-  Come breathe and move with me.
          mind and body in harmony. And our  our son Scotty, and then exactly two  ter,  Kennedy.  Yes,  both  kids  own  See you on the mat.
                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · October 2019 · 13
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