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Wayne-Westland makes superintendent transition

             In a mutually-agreed upon resolu-  District’s current Assistant Superin-  amount of time she could serve as an  making positive changes in virtually
          tion,  the  Wayne-Westland  Commu-  tendent for Human Resources and   administrator.                    every  area  of  study  for  every  stu-
          nity  Schools  Board  of  Education                 Operations,  Ms.    “The Board of Education will now  dent,” he added. “Our mission is to
          voted October 1 in a Special Session                Jill   Simmons,   begin  the  process  of  identifying  a  educate and prepare all of our stu-
          to end the School District’s adminis-               will  serve  as  In-  new superintendent to lead our Dis-  dents to be knowledgeable, responsi-
          trative relationship with Superinten-               terim  Superin-   trict in what will surely become one  ble,  contributing  members  of  a
          dent Dr. Shelley Holt.                              tendent.    Ms.   of the most exciting rebuilding eras  global society. This requires a dedi-
             The Board voted 7-0 to accept a                  Simmons,  who     in District history,” said Cox. “With  cated  teaching  and  administrative
          resignation  and  resolution  agree-                earned her Bach-  stable finances, new employee con-  staff functioning in an environment
          ment which allows both the School                   elor's  degree  in  tracts  in  place,  major  facility  up-  that recognizes and appreciates that
          District  and  Dr.  Holt  to  accept  Dr.           Business Admin-   grades  on  the  horizon,  and  a  new  dedication. The Board is committed
          Holt’s resignation and move forward                 istration   from  curriculum  coming  online,  the  to maintaining that environment for
          in a positive manner. “I wish Dr. Holt              Eastern  Michi-   School District is looking forward to  all employees.”
          nothing but the best as she moves on  Jill  Simmons,  will  gan  University
          and thank her for the many positive  serve as Interim Su-  and her Master’s
          contributions  she  made  to  the                   degree       in
          School District during her time as  perintendent.   Human        Re-
          Superintendent,” said Board Presi-  sources and Employment Relations,
          dent David R. Cox.                 with concentrations in Employment
             The mutual agreement addresses  Law and Labor Relations, from Penn
          not  only  Dr.  Holt’s  tenure  with  State University, has been employed
          Wayne-Westland  but  results  in  the  by  Wayne-Westland  for  nine  years.
          dismissal  of  her  pending  lawsuit  Ms. Simmons will be supported by
          against the School District. The res-  Dr.  Sue  Carnell,  with  whom  the
          olution of these matters allows the  Board  will  enter  into  a  consultant
          Board of Education to move forward  agreement. Dr. Carnell had served as
          with a search process to hire a new  the  Interim  Superintendent  since
          Superintendent.                    July 2019 but was limited by Michi-
             During  the  search  process,  the  gan  retirement  rules  as  to  the

          14 · October 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch
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