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How to keep your mouth healthy
Halloween is around the corner, Fruits and veggies are an impor-
here is how you can help your family tant part of any balanced diet, and
stay mouth healthy on Halloween they are also good for your teeth.
and year around. Since they are high in water and
Facts: Americans spend close to fiber, they help to balance the sugars
$9 billion on candy, and in October they contain and help to clean your
a lot of that candy will end up dam- teeth. Chewing also helps to stimu-
aging the teeth of trick-or-treating late saliva production, which washes
children. You might be surprised to harmful acids and food particles
learn, however, that when it comes to away from your teeth.
causing cavities, not all candy is cre- Nuts contain protein and miner-
ated equal. als important for overall health. In
Halloween is a great time for par- addition, nuts that are low in carbo-
ents to think about their children’s hydrates don’t add to your risk of
teeth, but oral health should be a cavities. Why? Because tooth decay
year-round concern. Regularly en- is caused by acid-producing bacteria
courage good oral health habits with that are activated by carbs. Another
your children, including flossing benefit is that chewing nuts stimu-
daily, brushing at least twice a day lates saliva production, which can re-
and visiting the dentist regularly. duce your risk for tooth decay.
That way you’ll ensure the sugary vil-
lains don’t stick around on your chil- If you are looking for a dentist look no further than Dr. Bhavani Swarna at Wayne Top nine foods that
dren’s teeth long after Halloween is Family Dental at 35102 W. Michigan Avenue in Downtown Wayne. damage your teeth:
over. What you eat matters: While
For healthy living and for healthy bacteria have to feed on the candy vor. These acids can contribute to these hard candies seem harmless,
teeth and gums, think before you eat and produce acid. The more acid is dental erosion and cavities. eat too many and the constant expo-
and drink. It’s not only what you eat produced and the longer the amount · Encourage children to eat a sure to sugar can be harmful to your
but when you eat that can affect your of time the teeth are exposed to it, small amount of candy in one sitting teeth. Hard candies also put your
dental health. Eat a balanced diet the more chance your child has of followed by a glass of water or a thor- teeth at risk because in addition to
and limit between-meal snacks. If developing cavities. Sweets like ough tooth brushing. being full of sugar, they can also trig-
you are on a special diet, keep your chocolate that quickly dissolve in the · Encourage children to eat a ger a dental emergency such as a
physician's advice in mind when mouth and can be eaten easily lessen good meal prior to trick-or-treating, broken or chipped tooth. Better al-
choosing foods. the amount of time sugar stays in so there will be less temptation to fill ternative? Chew sugarless gum that
Halloween tips from dentist: contact with teeth. up on candy. carries the ADA Seal.
Sugar has long been identified by · Consider purchasing non-food Ice is for chilling, not chewing:
oral health experts as a major cause Tips for limiting the effects of sug- treats for those who visit your home, You’d be surprised at how many peo-
of tooth decay and cavities. Naturally ary treats: such as coloring books or pens and ple think ice is good for their teeth.
occurring bacteria in the mouth feed · Be selective, choose candy that pencils. It’s made of water, after all, and does-
on sugar in candy and other foods can be eaten quickly and easily to n’t contain any sugar or other addi-
and turn it into acid. This acid at- limit the amount of time sugar is in Good foods for your teeth: tives. But chewing on hard
tacks tooth enamel and causes decay. contact with the teeth. Water, especially fluoridated substances can leave your teeth vul-
Sticky or chewy candies result in · Steer away from sticky candies water, is the best beverage for main- nerable to a dental emergency and
sugar being in contact with teeth for like gummy fruit snacks, caramels, taining your oral health. That's be- damage enamel.
longer periods of time. When chil- taffy, popcorn balls and other can- cause fluoride helps to make teeth Watch your citrus intake: The
dren chew sticky candies such as dies that expose the teeth to sugar more resistant to the acid attacks truth is that frequent exposures to
caramels or taffy, candy gets stuck for long periods of time. that can cause cavities. As of 2012, acidic foods can erode enamel, mak-
on the surface and in between · Limit consumption of sour can- nearly 75 percent of the U.S. popula- ing teeth more susceptible to decay
crevices. The longer the sugar is dies that may contain acids (such as tion had access to fluoridated water, over time. So even though a squeeze
stuck to the teeth, the more time the citric acid) to intensify the sour fla- so drinking water from your own of lemon or lime can turn a simple
kitchen sink can help prevent dental glass of water into a fun beverage, it's
problems. not always the best choice for your
Milk and other dairy products, mouth. Citric fruits and juices can
such as cheese and yogurt, are low also irritate mouth sores. Make sure
in sugar, which is a good thing for to drink plenty of plain water.
your dental health. Plus, they con- Not all coffee is good for you: In
tain protein and are full of calcium, their natural form, coffee and tea can
which can help to strengthen your be healthy beverage choices. Unfortu-
teeth. nately too many people can’t resist
Phosphorus-rich foods such as adding sugar. Caffeinated coffee and
meat, poultry, fish, milk and eggs tea can also dry out your mouth. Fre-
help to strengthen your teeth and
contain valuable protein. See Halloween, page 6
4 · October 2019 · The Wayne Dispatch