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Saturday, October 12 11:30 p.m.
The Michigan Rocky Horror
State Wayne Theater Preservation Society will be celebrat-
35310 W. Michigan Avenue ing Rockytober with special Hal-
11:15 p.m. loween-themed pre-shows before the
The Michigan Rocky Horror showing of the Rocky Horror Picture
Preservation Society will be celebrat- Show. There will be an additional
ing Rockytober with special Hal- costume contest at the October 26
loween-themed pre-shows before the show.
showing of the Rocky Horror Picture
Show. There will be an additional Wayne Westland
costume contest at the October 26 Federal Credit Union
show. 500 S Wayne Rd, Westland
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 16 All ages are welcome at Wayne
Westland Federal Credit Union for
Wayne Public Library cider, donuts and treats at the an-
6:00-7:00 p.m. nual Trunk or Treat.
Teens who love pumpkin spice
might want to join the team at the li- Costas Village Bar and Grille
brary as they help participants make 35234 W. Michigan Ave., Wayne
a few pumpkin spice snacks of their 9:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m.
own! The recipes don't require any Costas will have live music with
baking, and participants will be sup- Missing Link; there is no cover
plied with recipe cards if they want charge.
to make the treats again at home.
Participants will need to bring a mi- Sunday, October 27
crowave-safe coffee mug; everything
else will be supplied. Must be age 12 HYPE Athletics-Wayne
or a teenager for this program. No 4635 Howe Rd.
sign-up is required. 2:00-6:00 p.m.
The Annual Hype Up for Hal-
Saturday, October 19 loween free family event will have
trick-or-treaters walking through the
Westland Shopping Center “haunted” facility collecting candy
2:00-4:00 p.m. and goodies from community part-
Free and open to the public, Park- ners. There will be apple cider and
side Credit Union and the City of donuts while supplies last. For more
information, call (734) 721-7400.
Westland invite you to the 3rd An-
nual Mall-o-Ween Spooktacular.
There will be a trick-or-treat trail Thursday, October 31
along with activities including Wayne Masonic Temple
bounce houses and inflatable slides, 37137 Palmer Rd, Westland
face painting, balloon twisting, air- 5:30-7:00 p.m.
brush tattoos, photo booth with a If you are looking for a place
free 4x6 photo, craft table, games where treats can be gathered in one
and music. Children are welcome to small area, consider stopping by the
dress in costume. Trunk-or-Treat at the Wayne Masonic
Wayne Historical Museum Temple on Halloween.
7:00-11:30 p.m.
The Wayne Historical Society will Hill Crest Bible Church
be holding their 2nd Annual Happen- 3 Towne Square, Wayne
ing. The museum will be themed 6:00-8:00 p.m.
with live actors telling stories from Hill Crest Bible Church members
Wayne’s past with a spooky twist. $5 will be on Biddle Street by First
entry fee. United Methodist Church in Wayne
for Trunk or Treat. They will be
Saturday, October 26 passing out candy from their deco-
rated cars to the community as well
State Wayne Theater as to their own kids.
35310 W. Michigan Avenue
The Wayne Dispatch · October 2019 · 5