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New Director for Wayne Main Street hired for district
By Carolyn Marnon person. Friendly and easy to talk to. residents and visitors who gather to
Lori Morrow, a 10-year resident The more you get to know her you re- shop, work and enjoy what the city
of Wayne with a background in busi- alize her honest desire to do good has to offer,” comments Lori when
ness became the 3rd Executive Di- things for this community. Wayne asked about WMS.
rector of Wayne Main Street last Main Street is lucky to have her as Before the pandemic, WMS had
February after Maxwell Cameron re- our new Executive Director. planned a spring clean-up day and a
signed to take a position elsewhere. Lori has been involved with cus- Decadent Dessert Walk. Both events
Lori has been a WMS volunteer for tomer service and has been a busi- have been cancelled or postponed.
four years, helping with Downtown ness professional for over 30 years. “We’re always looking for ener-
Days and as a committee member of She spent 10 years in the insurance getic and enthusiastic volunteers.
TOAST Wayne. As an active member industry. Visit our website and fill out an ap-
of the community, Lori is looking for- Since taking over as Executive Di- plication and let us know how your
ward to working with volunteers to rector, Lori’s biggest challenge has talent and skills can help us.
help grow the Wayne community and been understanding the computer” Share
businesses. system that WMS uses. your interest in helping and when it
At the time of her hire, WMS “We are a volunteer-based pro- is safe to do so, WMS will contact
Board President Juan Bradford said, gram of which works to enhance the you. WMS is also looking for individ-
“Wayne Main Street is looking for- community and its businesses. We uals who would be interested in fill-
ward to the fresh perspective and en- assist in the community needs as far ing open seats on the Board of
ergetic approach that Lori brings as facade grant programs, downtown Directors. Terms are 3 years.
with her.” benches and planters, community During her free-time, Lori likes to
Juan also notes that “It took us partner roundtables, scarecrow con- snowmobile and garden. Family
about three months to find a candi- test, small business Saturday and comes first in her life, she lives for
date we were happy with and who holiday window contests. We work pizza, she’s an early-riser in the
met the qualifications. We did nu- Lori Morrow to be a positive force in the commu- morning who likes to watch the sun
merous postings and searches and What qualities made Lori a good nity working with business and prop- rise, she’s excited to start a new
conducted multiple interviews. As it choice for this position? “The first erty owners to preserve, enhance chapter of her life with Wayne Main
turned out, the ideal candidate was time you meet Lori,” Juan says, “you and promote historic downtown Street and, she finds that “life is a
right here in Wayne.” instantly realize that she is a people Wayne as a vibrant destination for blast!”
Emergency food distribution in our area
There are several different organ- Medicaid Waiver Program, you may your vehicle and follow the guidance fasts and five lunches per child,
izations that are helping community be eligible for Emergency Food Dis- of staff and volunteers as they direct along with a gallon of milk for each
members with emergency food distri- tribution for Seniors through The you. After pulling into the distribu- family, occurs Monday, May 11 and
bution during the COVID-19 pan- Senior Alliance. tion area, put your vehicle in park May 18, from 10:00 a.m. until Noon.
demic. Upcoming distribution is May 21, and unlock your trunk for the food Burning Bush International,
If you are aged 60 or older, reside 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., at 5454 Venoy to be loaded. Stay in your vehicle. 30355 Annapolis Ave in Westland
in The Senior Alliance’s downriver Rd in Wayne. You can call 734-727-2011 or email has several food distribution dates
and western Wayne County munici- Food boxes are limited and will sradocaj@the senior for set.
palities service area, are the spouse be on a first come, first served basis. more information on qualifying.
of an adult aged 60 or older, are an Do not arrive before 9:30 a.m. You Wayne-Westland Community May 11: 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
adult with a disability who lives with will need to enter the parking lot via School District continues its weekly May 27: 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
an individual age 60 or older, or are Venoy Rd and follow the signs to food distribution for WWCSD stu- June 8: 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
currently enrolled in the MI Choice enter the line. You must remain in dents. The distribution of five break- June 22: 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
10 · May 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch