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Door decorations celebrate seniors
By Carolyn Marnon Mikayla Saylor’s door displays an honor
The Class of 2020 in the Wayne Westland roll sticker, an Eastern Michigan University
Community School District (WWCSD) has had sticker and a senior class t-shirt.
to be creative about how to celebrate the end According to WWCSD Communications Di-
of their senior year. It is unknown whether rector Jenny Johnson, the school district is
these graduates will have the annual gradua- distributing Class of 2020 lawn signs for sen-
tion ceremony like past graduates have had. iors to put in their yards. Wayne Memorial
There may not be a senior prom. Who knew High School is running Decision Day informa-
that when 84-year old Korean War veteran tion on the school’s marquee with the names
Avery Hall received his Wayne-Westland high of senior and their plans for after graduation.
school diploma on February 28 as the first You can follow along with updates on the Face-
“graduate” of the Class of 2020, that he might book pages of Wayne Westland Community
be the only one to be presented with a diploma Schools and Wayne Memorial High School.
in front of an audience of board members and
well-wishers? Seniors who have already made decisions
Wayne-Westland families have been encour- noted on the WMHS Facebook page include:
aged to decorate their front doors to honor Amber Henzel-Henry Ford College
their graduating seniors. Alivia Secord-Eastern Michigan University
The front window at Wayne Memorial High Abigail Gordon-Finlandia University
School (WMHS) senior Tabitha Locklear’s Hazelle Williams-Ferris State University
home is covered in tassel garland and signs Deshawn Will-Michigan State University
congratulating her. There are also congratula- Delaney Green-Western Michigan University
tory signs on the front lawn. Andrea Santiago-Lagunas-Gannon
The front door at Tyler Xuereb’s (WMHS) University
house has a congratulatory sign along with a Riccardo Covin-Gillette Community College
baseball hat and Zebra baseball t-shirt at- Sebastian Davis-MIAT College The Class of 2020 in the Wayne Westland Community School
tached. of Technology
Kayla Lindsell’s door displays her WMHS Savannah Gridley-Concordia University District (WWCSD) Honors our Seniors. Class of 2020: Savan-
choir t-shirt. Kira Brinkmeier-College of the Atlantic nah Gridley of Wayne Memorial High School.
6 · May 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch