Page 4 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 4

Helping hand

                                                                                                      City of Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa, Councilwoman
                                                                                                      Kelly Skiff, City Manager Lisa Nocerini and her direc-
                                                                                                      tors, Wayne Police Chief Ryan Strong and fellow of-
                                                                                                      ficers take a moment for a photo after teaming up
                                                                                                      with the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department, the De-
                                                                                                      troit Rescue Mission Ministries, Eternal Light Organ-
                                                                                                      ization and Life for Relief and Development to deliver
                                                                                                      142 boxes and 142 bags  of food to seniors at the
                                                                                                      Wayne Tower.

          Hospital, Continued from page 3    let's not forget the hospital employ-  let down your guard: Until the test-  uncertainty   about   the   future.
                                             ees who were impacted but chose to  ing  shortage  is  resolved,  we  must  COVID19  is  quite  active,  and  the
          that it was wrong for the hospital to  stand up. They deserve our thanks  wear masks, keep social distancing  socio-economic  repercussions  are
          shut down during a global pandemic.  and  appreciation  for  their  dedica-  and  work  together  to  get  through  just starting to be felt. Adjustments
          He also raised concerns about the  tion.”                             this!”                            will be required. We cannot assure
          poor  communication  between  the     Beaumont Wayne Dr. Muzammil       In another post, Dr. Ahmed wrote  stability or a return to the successes
          hospital, the Wayne community and  Admed announced on his Facebook   “#BeaumontWayne has undergone a    we have had in the past, but we can
          the hospital employees.            page “The whole team is glad to be  thorough deep cleaning and patients  promise  you  that  we  will  work  to-
              “I  want  to  thank  everyone  for  back. In the ER, patients are starting  can come here with the full assur-  gether  to  make  Beaumont  Wayne
          their  support  and  hard  work  over  to  trickle  in:  an  unfortunate  lady  ance they can safely get their health  and the community it serves healthy
          the  past  few  weeks  to  reopen  our  with a hip fracture, another woman  care needs met. There is still much  and strong.”
          community’s    hospital,”   Mayor  with congestive heart failure. Our en-
          Rhaesa said in a statement. “I want  vironmental services team is keeping
          to thank Jordyn Sellek, the Execu-  the hospital safe and clean. #Beau-
          tive  Director  of  the  Conference  of  montwayne has served this area for
          Western Wayne, and the Mayors and  over 60 years, and we are so glad to
          Supervisors of the 18 Conference of  have it start back up again. All hos-
          Western  Wayne  Communities  for   pitals have had a dramatic fall in vol-
          coming together to support the reso-  umes in the past month. But as the
          lution asking the hospital to reopen.  COVID threat decreases, people can
          I also want to thank the Wayne City  start getting their health needs ad-
          Council for supporting a similar res-  dressed that have been put on hold.”
          olution  at  the  Tuesday,  April  21st,  The  message  continues  “We  do
          Wayne City Council Meeting.        still watch the COVID numbers, and
             “I  also  want  to  thank  the  mem-  metro-Detroit has been great with so-
          bers of Congress who stepped up to  cial  distancing  and  flattening  the
          help, our State Representatives and  curve.  Unfortunately,  the  COVID
          Senators, our County Executive and  numbers  in  western  and  northern
          Commissioners. Last, but not least,  Michigan are starting to rise. Don't

          4 · May 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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