Page 4 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 4

Fresh Choice grocery store butcher stocks the shelves daily with fresh meat.
          Four essential businesses

          cope amidst pandemic

          By Carolyn Marnon                  Clorox or Lysol wipes in stock, Lydia
             Four  Wayne  businesses  shared  says  everything  else  has  been  suc-
          how they have continued to serve the  cessfully  stocked  throughout  the
          community during the Michigan Stay  pandemic. She says there were only
          Home, Stay Safe order.             a few days when they didn’t have toi-
             Fresh  Choice  is  the  largest  gro-  let paper, the holy grail of shoppers
          cery store in the City of Wayne. Man-  everywhere. She says they now have
          ager Lydia Pattah says the store has  “tons of it.”  The hardest to get item
          operated continuously during store  has been yeast, “which is a very odd
          hours  since  the  pandemic  started.  thing since everyone started baking
          She says they are “staying safe, tak-  their own bread. It’s finally started to
          ing more precautions than we nor-  come in,” said Lydia She also shared
          mally do, extra sanitation, wearing  that the top selling breads, like white
          gloves all the time, wearing masks all  and  wheat,  along  with  hamburger
          the  time,  pretty  much  keeping  the  and hot dog buns have been easy to
          customer  safe  and  the  employees  get, but the specialty breads have not
          healthy.”                          been as easy to stock.
             Fresh Choice put up plastic bar-   Northside  Hardware,  the  long-
          riers at the checkout counters and  time institution of tools and paint in
          taped the front end of the store to  Wayne  and  the  favorite  hardware
          keep people the recommended social  destination of many, has continued
          distance of 6 feet apart.
             Although  they  do  not  yet  have       See Pandemic, page 10

          4 · June 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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