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City of Wayne receives $296,756 in grant funding

             The City of Wayne, Michigan re-    On February 19, 2019, the Wayne  laboration,  Plante  Moran  and  the  controls,  and  provide  Microsoft
          ceived notification from the Michigan  City Council unanimously selected a  City’s Team identified significant fi-  365's  application  suite  to  all  City
             Department of Treasury Revenue  bid  from  the  Plante  Moran  Public  nancial savings achieved by address-  staff.
          Sharing and Grants Division that the  Sector  Technology  and  Operations  ing the City’s critical IT needs and  • Cybersecurity measures will en-
          City’s application submitted in De-  Consulting Division to provide a city  jointly  authored  the  grant  applica-  sure services delivered with the nec-
          cember of 2019, to the Fiscally Dis-  Department-wide  information  tech-  tion,”  said  Christopher  Blough,  essary security, access, and delivery
          tressed   Cities,   Villages,   and  nology and cybersecurity assessment  Plante Moran Public Sector Technol-  controls to provide online services to
          Townships grant Program has been   ($19,800 IT Assessment/$10,000 cy-  ogy & Operations Consulting.     citizens  so  they  receive  accurate,
          selected  for  a  grant  award  in  the  bersecurity assessment).       • The application identified key  timely,  and  complete  information.
          amount of $296,756.                   The assessment was completed    technology  investments  saving  the  The City also received a $5000 reim-
             The grant funds will be used to  in September of 2019 and identified  City  over  6,000  staff  hours  or  bursement check from the Michigan
          replace critical information technol-  significant risk exposure associated  $300,000  annually  by  digitizing  Municipal Risk Management Agency
          ogy infrastructure, most of which is  with obsolete technology infrastruc-  hardcopy records and making them  to cover 50% of the $10,000 spent
          over a decade old. “I am incredibly  ture. The grant funding provides the  digitally accessible.        on the cybersecurity portion of the
          excited about this grant announce-  city with an opportunity to mitigate  • The investment mitigates signif-  assessment.
          ment as this has been one of my pri-  a majority of the issues highlighted  icant risk exposure associated with  “I  want  to  thank  the  State  of
          orities since becoming a Wayne City  in the assessment and move towards  obsolete infrastructure serving as a  Michigan and the Michigan Depart-
          Councilmember and now serving as   a  much  more  sustainable  and  up-  backbone for 41 business systems  ment of Treasury Revenue Sharing
          the Mayor,” said Mayor John Rhaesa.  dated  information  technology  envi-  supported by the City’s 20+ year old  and Grants Division for this grant
          “As the use of technology continues  ronment that fits today’s world.  fiber network, 10-year old switches,  award. The City of Wayne is strug-
          to expand in our everyday lives, this  “Plante  Moran’s  Public  Sector  and an end-of-life phone system.  gling financially and does not have
          grant provides an opportunity to de-  Technology and Operations Consult-  • The grant funds will modernize  the funds to make these necessary
          liver better service at the municipal  ing Division was privileged to be part  the  City’s  firewall,  telecommunica-  and  in  some  cases,  critical  invest-
          level  to  our  residents,  and  it  will  of  the  City’s  commitment  to  make  tions   system,   fiber,   network  ments. This grant will go a long way
          streamline  many  of  the  outdated  strategic  technology  investments,  switches, camera systems and key  when it comes to transforming local
          processes that currently exist, creat-  produce tangible savings, while deliv-  business  applications  including  government efficiencies and promot-
          ing more efficiencies for the employ-  ering  modern,  sustainable  public  building permit software, time and  ing sustainable service delivery,” said
          ees,” the Mayor added.             services. Through a continuing col-  attendance software, security access  Wayne City Manager, Lisa Nocerini.

          6 · June 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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