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Couple celebrates 50th anniversary

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                     were officially wed on June 22, 1970  which  luckily  ended  right  before
             Patrick Haner and Sandra Clary                                     in Pennsylvania by a Justice of the  Patrick  and  Sandra’s  golden  wed-
          were  just  17  years  old  when  they                                Peace.  They  had  the  originally  ding anniversary.
          married  at  the  end  of  their  junior                              planned wedding the following Satur-  Patrick  and  Sandra  celebrated
          year of high school, June 22, 1970.                                   day, June 27, where the pastor “con-  their 50th anniversary with cake and
          The couple first met when they were                                   firmed” their wedding at First United  ice  cream  in  the  company  of  their
          in 7th grade at Adams Junior High                                     Methodist Church in Wayne. Sandra  daughters and grandchildren. They
          School.  Sandra  had  a  crush  on                                    made  her  bridal  gown  and  brides-  cherish  the  landmark  anniversary.
          Patrick. When they approached 9th                                     maids dresses in home economics   Sandra’s  parents,  Lloyd  and  Elsie
          grade,  Patrick  went  on  to  John                                   class.                            Clary, made it just 7 months short of
          Glenn  High  School  while  Sandra                                      After getting married, they moved  their  50th  while  Patrick’s  parents,
          went to Wayne Memorial. A mutual                                      into a tiny apartment in Wayne and  Floyd and Ethel Haner, made it 11
          friend of theirs arranged a meeting                                   finished high school. They each grad-  months short of their 50th. Sandra
          between  them  during  their  junior                                  uated with honors on the same day.  feels “to get married at 17, and be
          year  and  according  to  Sandra,  “It                                Four years later, they had their first  able to celebrate 50 years, is quite an
          was love at first sight!”                                             child,  daughter  Michelle  (Patrick)  accomplishment.”
             Patrick’s draft number was low,                                    Nedglek  and  then  Jackie  (Steve)  They were planning a once-in-a-
          so the couple were encouraged to get                                  Kosier.  They  have  four  grandchil-  lifetime  cruise  to  Alaska  because
          married early. They had been plan-                                    dren: Chrisopher, Mara, Kinsley and  they didn’t really have a honeymoon
          ning to wait until after graduation.          Sandra and Patrick Haner  Wyatt.  Michelle  and  Jackie  both  back when they were 17. Because of
          The parents said they would pay for  memory. They didn’t get the license  graduated  from  Wayne  Memorial  the  COVID-19  pandemic,  plans
          the wedding if they did it in June.  that day. Even with parental consent,  and went on to earn their Master De-  changed. They purchased a pair of
          They went to Detroit with their moth-  the groom had to be 18.        grees  in  Education.  “We  have  so  TerraTrikes,  which  are  3-wheel
          ers to get the marriage license. The  After  a  call  to  the  Detroit  Free  much to be proud of and feel truly  bikes (2 wheels in front, 1 in back)
          clerk told them they couldn’t get mar-  Press  inquiring  about  the  closest  blessed,” Sandra shared.  that allow you to sit back in a reclin-
          ried,  “unless  you  have  to  get  mar-  place  a  person  younger  than  18  In the last 50 years, the couple  ing position. They’ve been out riding
          ried.”  One  of  the  mother’s  replied,  could get married with parental con-  had never been apart for more than  every  morning  for  the  last  three
          “Well of course they have to get mar-  sent,  they  were  told  Pennsylvania.  two  weeks  until  recently.  Sandra’s  weeks.
          ried.  We  have  guests  coming  from  They went to Pennsylvania, got their  mother needed 24 hour care at her  A  new  golden  chapter  to  their
          out of state!” Sandra chuckles at the  blood tests and a license and then  apartment in Wayne for four months  lives has begun.

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · July 2020 · 11
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