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Save-A-Life program offers free covid-19 testing
By Carolyn Marnon through the program, making it eas-
The Save-A-Life program pro- ier for donations to reach those in
vides Wayne County employees and need of convalescent blood plasma
residents over age 10 with COVID-19 that effectively fights off the disease.”
testing. There is no out-of-pocket ex- Since the June 23 launch, an av-
pense involved, and you do not need erage of 200-250 people per day
an appointment. have come through the drive-thru
The Wayne County Public Health testing site.
Division, in partnership with Garden Testing is being done outdoors at
City Hospital, opened the COVID-19 Garden City Hospital, 6245 Inkster
drive-up diagnostic and antibody Rd, Garden City. The drive-thru test,
testing center June 23. The Save-A- which involves a nasal swab, is being
Life program was made possible done under the Testing Tent, Mon-
with CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Re- COO of Wayne County Genelle Allen, Wayne County Executive Warren Evans, Wayne day thru Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00
lief, and Economic Security) Act County Chief of Staff Assa Turfe and Garden City Hospital Chairman of the Board p.m. You do not need to show symp-
funds. toms of COVID-19 to be tested. You
“With CARES Act dollars, Wayne Osama Siblani with the new COvitest machines purchased by the Wayne County do not need an appointment nor do
County is making testing widely that are housed at Garden City Hospital. Photo by WLND you need to pre-register. You do not
available and building a key partner- This plasma has the potential to save potentially be eligible to donate need a prescription or doctor’s refer-
ship with Garden City Hospital to lives of COVID-19 critical care pa- plasma, helping those critically im- ral. You WILL need to have your ID
further flatten the curve,” said Wayne tients. pacted by the disease. or driver’s license and insurance
County Executive Warren C. Evans. Not all who have been exposed to According to a press release, card (if you have one). If you don’t
Wayne County was able to pur- COVID-19 have built the antibodies, “After a positive antibody test, Gar- have insurance, the cost will be cov-
chase test machines. Garden City but some people may have the anti- den City Hospital will provide neces- ered. COVID-19 test results are de-
Hospital will use the machines to bodies due to COVID-19 exposure sary documentation for residents livered within 48-72 hours. Results
process on-site testing. The hospital even without showing symptoms. interested in donating plasma to the for the antibody test are delivered
will also be able to make arrange- The main intent of the testing site American Red Cross. This adminis- within 24 hours.
ments for anyone testing positive for is to identify more individuals with trative step, typically performed for The Save-A-Life program is ex-
the antibodies to donate plasma. the COVID-19 antibodies who could an additional charge, is covered pected to last until December 2020.
6 · July 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch