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New coalition seeks to increase citizen engagement

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       ahead of time; no one was surprised.
             When the Wayne-Westland Coali-                                                                          The Wayne Westland Coalition is
          tion was formed, the original intent                                                                    currently trying to raise awareness of
          was to increase citizen engagement.                                                                     the importance of voting in the up-
          Members found that registered vot-                                                                      coming election. Members also plan
          ers weren’t voting in their local elec-                                                                 to reach out to community members
          tions. The group wanted to overcome                                                                     directly to ask about concerns they
          the disconnect they felt existed be-                                                                    have about the school district’s vir-
          tween  the  community  and  local                                                                       tual education program. They plan
          school board members.                 If you would like to learn more about the Wayne Westland school   to  collect  responses  and  present
             The  new  student-run  coalition                                                                     them at a future school board meet-
          consists  of  students  from  both       board candidates, you can visit the group’s Facebook page:     ing.
          Wayne  Memorial  High  School  and                If you would like to learn more
          John  Glenn  High  School.  Coun-                                                                       about  the  Wayne  Westland  school
          selors at both schools were asked to                                                                    board candidates, you can visit the
          refer students who were interested  projects they are launching. Meetings  tions  that  could  be  asked  of  each  group’s Facebook page: https://www.-
          in social advocacy or politics to be-  are  currently  being  held  on  the  candidate, but it was up to each stu-
          come board members. Anyone is al-  Zoom platform to practice safe so-  dent  who  conducted  the  interview  tion.
          lowed to join the coalition.       cial distancing.                   what  questions  were  asked.  The   Current  board  members  from
             The coalition uses Twitter, Insta-  The coalition recently concluded  coalition had also encouraged com-  Wayne  Memorial  are  Khushi  Patel
          gram and Facebook to increase com-  its first project that had members in-  munity  members  to  provide  ques-  and  Lauren  McKeny.  Representing
          munity engagement. Board Member    dividually  interviewing  the  Wayne  tions they wanted answers to. One  John  Glenn  are  members  Erin
          Khushi Patel, a senior at Wayne Me-  Westland School Board candidates.  candidate  was  unable  to  meet  via  Knape,  Jillian  Downey,  Karina
          morial,   encourages   community   The interviews were then posted to  Zoom for an interview, but she did  Vazquez, Kathryn Bigelow and Shan-
          members who want to get involved   the social media accounts as a way  provide a written response to ques-  non Blevins. The board is rounded
          with the coalition to reach out via so-  to  disseminate  information  about  tions. To remain transparent, all can-  out by Wayne Memorial alum Nikita
          cial  media.  Committee  members   each  candidate.    Khushi  says  the  didates  were  given  a  list  of  the  Bhangu who is currently attending
          gather once a month to talk about  group came up with a set of ques-  possible  questions  to  be  asked  Michigan State University.

          14 · October 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch
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