Page 16 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 16
Halloween, Continued from page 10 parties held indoors
• Going to an indoor haunted
with people spaced at least 6 feet house where people may be crowded
apart together and screaming
• If screaming will likely occur, • Going on hayrides or tractor
greater distancing is advised. The rides with people who are not in
greater the distance, the lower the your household
risk of spreading a respiratory virus. • Using alcohol or drugs, which
can cloud judgement and increase
High risk activities risky behaviors
Avoid these higher risk activities • Traveling to a rural fall festival
to help prevent the spread of the that is not in your community if you
virus that causes COVID-19: live in an area with community
• Participating in traditional trick- spread of COVID-19
or-treating where treats are handed
to children who go door to door These risk levels are from the
• Having trunk-or-treat where CDC website. Let’s keep the children
treats are handed out from trunks of of Wayne safe while also helping
cars lined up in large parking lots them celebrate the biggest candy
• Attending crowded costume frenzy of the year!
Memo from the Great Lakes Water Authority
REGARDING: Disinfection and The water used is coming from
Flushing on Glenwood Road (New- GLWA’s water distribution system or
burgh to Venoy Road) a fire hydrant. If a fire hydrant is
The Great Lakes Water Authority being used, the construction contrac-
(GLWA) is currently working on dis- tor has a water meter connected that
infecting and flushing our 24-inch calculates how much water is being
water transmission main along Glen- used to allow the City to bill the con-
wood Road between Newburgh and tractor.
Venoy. This disinfection and flushing
The disinfecting and flushing of along Glenwood Road should be
this 24-inch water transmission completed by October 16, 2020.
main is required prior to making This process is required to allow
any connections into the water distri- GLWA to continue to provide water
bution system. of unquestionable quality in south-
Our construction contractor has east Michigan. The project will ulti-
¾-inch water hoses connected to the mately improve service reliability
24-inch water transmission main in and redundancy to the area.
various locations along Glenwood The citizens of Wayne are not
Road to flush the water out of the going to see any increase on their
transmission main. These water water bill due to Great Lakes Water
hoses are extended above our man- Authority work on this main.
hole structures to allow the water to Please contact Mike Buiten or
drain to the closest sewer. Kevin Hardy in the Wayne Buildings
There are “Wet Pavement” signs and Engineering Department with
set-up along Glenwood Road to pro- any questions at 734-728-9100.
vide warning to the drivers that they They will be happy to discuss the
are entering a wet pavement area. project with you further.
16 · October 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch