Page 12 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 12
Celebrate, Continued from page 5 and I’ll make plates and deliver to
both my local siblings. I love leftover
rades going on, but we usually watch turkey sandwiches, and pumpkin
them on TV and then the game, even pie is always a favorite.” Marie is
though neither of us is a big football thankful that she will finally get left- BRIEFS, Continued from page 6 raises funds that help support the
students at the high school when
fan; it’s just tradition watching the overs! they meet semester goals. Come
Lions.” She and her husband, Dan, Jean Knight lives in Westland, The Wayne Public Library is
will also probably Zoom with his but she works for the Wayne-West- open to the public. You will need to check out the new menu at US-12
Bar and Grill. From now until No-
family in North Carolina. land school district and has many enter through the doors by the Veter-
Pamela Conley will be spending friends in Wayne. She and her hus- ans Plaza. Browsing is limited to 30 vember 13, let the staff know you are
Thanksgiving at her Wayne home, band usually travel to Monroe to minutes. there to support the Champions of
Wayne program. 50% of the food
the one she was raised in. “Since be- spend Thanksgiving with his family. Please do not visit if you are sick.
coming a widow seven years ago, I “We will not be leaving our home this The plaza pick-up service is still sales on your bill will be donated to
have only eaten the Thanksgiving year, and I will cook a dinner for just available if you wish to do no-contact
meal with others twice. So no, it re- my family. I am thankful that no one pick up of materials. The City of Wayne Goodfellows
ally will not be different this year. I I love and care for has passed away is currently accepting applications
will still prepare a small turkey due to COVID.” Firehouse Subs Public Safety
breast with all the trimmings.” Several additional comments Foundation approved the Wayne for their No Child Without a Christ-
mas program.
Pamela is thankful “that God is the were shared. Police Department’s grant request
You can find the application on-
one unchanging constant in all of our Andrew Edwards said his family for $11,523.15. The grant will allow line at www.wayne-
the department to purchase three
lives.” is getting together as they always You must live in the City of Wayne to
Betty Spaw has lived in Wayne for have. Their parents have passed on, portable radios that will be used by
29 years while her husband was so there were no worries in being to- officers to communicate with each receive services. Completed applica-
tions can be returned to Hype Athlet-
born and raised here. She’ll be gether. Linda Cook is thankful for other and dispatch while they are
preparing “the regular fixins, pota- the 46 years she had with her hus- outside of their vehicles. ics Western Wayne, 4635 Howe Rd
on Nov. 4, 11, 18 and 25 between
toes and gravy, sweet potatoes, green band before he passed away in Sep- 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. If ap-
bean casserole, Waldorf salad and tember. “This year will be just 8 of us US-12 Bar and Grill is helping
pumpkin pie,” to go along with the celebrating Thanksgiving. It will be to raise funds for Wayne Memorial proved, you will be able to pick up
donations on December 2 between
turkey. She and her husband will extremely bittersweet.” High School’s Champions of
host a small group-her two daugh- Megan McDonald doesn’t know Wayne program. The program 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
ters, son-in-law, her brother and his what they will be doing for Thanks-
wife, and her sister coming from giving this year.
Lansing. “I’m thankful for my family Christopher Cato is looking for-
and good health.” ward to the “same crappy turkey lol.”
Marie Shannon, a retired USPS Tammy Gagnon is thankful for
letter carrier in Wayne with the same her family and friends, especially the
route for 21 years, will be cooking at support and help they gave her while
home with no company this year. she was going through her own
“We’re doing a turkey in our new air health issues.
fryer as we normally fry our turkeys Brian Fodell expressed his
outside.” She also plans on a small thoughts with this: “Six allowed at
Dearborn ham along with mashed Thanksgiving, but 30 for a funeral. I
potatoes, sweet potatoes, gravy, corn, will be holding a funeral for my pet
rolls and maybe a green bean casse- turkey that will pass away on Nov.
role with pumpkin pie for dessert. 26th. Refreshments provided.”
“The last few years, we went to our However you celebrate it, we
oldest son’s and his family, but with hope your day is a happy one. Happy
COVID, we chose to cook at home, Thanksgiving!
12 · November 2020 · The Wayne Dispatch