Page 11 - The Wayne Dispatch
P. 11

Moving ahead one step at a time

          By Carolyn Marnon                  spoke declared their preference for  There were pleas by multiple par-  learn better in an online over a class-
             Virtual  learning  will  continue  staying virtual. One student said that  ents of children with learning prob-  room setting.  It is a completely sep-
          through the end of the first semester  students  have  gotten  used  to  the  lems to allow students back in the  arate  program  from  the  current
          in the Wayne Westland Community    schedule and have been able to work  schools.  Several  comments  were  virtual learning. To learn more, visit
          School District. That decision was  their other activities around online  made  about  children  being  de-
          unanimously approved at the Octo-  learning.                          pressed and having anxiety by not    In the month of October, starting
          ber 29 School Board meeting held      Several parents are frontline or  being in school with friends.  Other  October 10, there have been 3 posi-
          online  via  Zoom  after  listening  to  essential  workers  who  are  in  envi-  comments revolved around students  tive COVID cases (two at Schweitzer
          comments from the online audience  ronments  everyday  where  they  see  being distracted and not able to con-  Elementary  and  one  at  Stevenson
          for almost 90 minutes.             what is happening with the COVID-  centrate at the computer.         Middle School). Twelve people have
             The school board was presented  19 virus. These parents want to keep  Lisa Marie Bailey, whose 3 year  been  quarantined  in  that  period  -
          with  two  options.  The  first  option  their children out of harm’s way. An-  old autistic child is in a program at  students  or  staff.  Previous  to  that,
          was  to  have  students  return  to  other  parent  was  concerned  about  Stottlemyer made the plea  “Bright  since school started, 3 positive cases
          school under the Hybrid plan where  the ventilation system and air quality  futures  start  here.  Please  don’t  let  had  been  reported  along  with  37
          they would attend school 2 days per  at her child’s school while also men-  COVID dim her light” while rallying  quarantines. You can stay up-to-date
          week and do online learning on the  tioning  that  daily  COVID-19  cases  for an in-person return to education.  with these figures at the COVID-19
          other days. Half the students would  are higher now than when students  For now, students will continue  Dashboard on the district’s website.
          attend school in-person on Tuesday  started attending school virtually in  learning via their virtual classroom.  “We’re trying to base every single
          and Thursday while the other half  August. Several parents spoke about  For anyone who wants to sign up  decision on what’s best for our kids,”
          would attend in-person on Wednes-  how no cases have been reported in  for the district’s online program, Ed-  said WWCSD Superintendent John
          day and Friday.  The second option  Canton or Livonia schools where stu-  genuity, sign-ups will begin Novem-  Dignan  during  a  Return  to  Learn
          had all students continuing to learn  dents  attend  in  person.  No  cases  ber 2 and run through December 2.  presentation online.  “Great futures
          virtually through the end of the first  through  the  afterschool  program  –  Under  this  learning  program,  stu-  start right here, and we’re going to
          semester. The second semester will  Champions  -  were  said  to  be  re-  dents  would  have  to  stay  with  the  start another chapter of that here in
          start January 19.                  ported either. Parents send their chil-  program  the  entire  semester  until  the next few weeks.” In his final com-
             Members of the community, par-  dren to daycare where there seem to  the end of the school year in June.  ments  at  the  board  meeting,  Supt.
          ents, students and staff were able to  be no problem. Why not return stu-  This is a special online learning pro-  Dignan  said,  “We’re  going  to  move
          comment  before  the  board  made  dents  to  in-person  learning?  they  gram  that  was  created  before  the  forward as one school system and
          their  decision.  All  students  who  ask.                            pandemic  for  students  who  would  one heartbeat.”

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · November 2020 · 11
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