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P. 14

Music man’s life reaches coda

        By Carolyn Marnon                  During these heyday years                                             They remember him as “fair, hum-
           It’s hard to miss the huge guitar                                                                     ble, quiet, even-tempered and rarely,
        on  the  sign  outside  the  humble   he took to playing lap                                             if  ever,  swore.  He  would  tell  them
        house on Wayne Rd that was home                                                                         “swearing is a sign of ignorance.”
        to Victor Music Studio. This is the   steel guitar with local                                              Al  was  extremely  proud  of  his
        story of the man behind the music                                                                        son’s accomplishments and talents.
        whose life sonata finally reached its  bands. He played with The                                         He was also proud of how well his
        coda.                                                                                                    daughter has handled all of life's ad-
           Alphonse Victor Tupakavich was    Ramblin Boys and with                                               versities. He was proud of both his
        born March 27, 1929 to John and                                                                          children, each in their own way.
        Anna  Tupakavich,    both  of  whom    the Melody Drifters.                                                His daughter says she will miss
        were of Lithuanian descent. He grew  He idolized the one and                                             sharing what her dad would call her
        up  in  Detroit  attending  All  Saints                                                                 "stories."  “I could go just about any-
        Parochial Grade School, Beard Ele-   only famous steel guitar                                            where and come back with a ‘story,’
        mentary, Wilson Middle School and                                                                        she  said.  “He  was  ready  to  be  all
        Cass Technical High School.             player Jerry Byrd.                                               ears.  Like  he  had  a  choice  -  Hah!
           It was during his schooling that                                                                      One of the greatest compliments my
        Al's amazing artistic abilities began.                                          Alphonse Victor Tupakavich  Dad ever gave me is when  he would
        His  children,  a  daughter  and  son,  Al  was  diagnosed  around  this  customer was willing to wait, he even  come to me for guidance and stated
        can attest to this from the school pa-  time with Optic Nerve Atrophy thus  offered  to  apply  tattoos-removable  that I helped him to be a better man.
        pers they found with the actual writ-  deeming him legally blind. This diag-  ones of course!            Nearing his last days, he communi-
        ten  lesson  on  one  side  and  Al’s  nosis did not prevent him from con-  As big box stores and the internet  cated to me how thankful he was for
        depictions of various war and army  tinuing to pursue his passions of art  began making it harder for the "little  all we had done for him. Brought me
        battles on the other side.         and music. Prior to his diagnosis, he  guy/small  businesses"  -  Al  Victor  to tears. I told him it was the other
           Al's  interest  in  playing  guitar  had  been  driving  a  couple  classic  trudged on doing what he did best -  way around.”
        began in his teenage years when a  cars  which  he  was  proud  to  have  providing  one-on-one  service  by  Memories abound in his family.
        friend of the family would visit and  owned.  “When  cars  had  whitewall  being, according to his daughter, “his  His soft spot for his 30-pound grand-
        bring along his $1,200 classic guitar.  tires” he would say and "they don't  sweet, knowledgeable self” chatting  cat.  The  yearly  appearance  of
        Al’s mom couldn’t give him such an  make 'em like they used to".      it  up  with  whomever  entered  the  “Spidey.”    Playing  Hot  and  Cold.
        expensive  guitar.    One  Christmas  Al’s musical journey continued in  doors of the music shop. He did so  Carving pumpkins. Watching the pa-
        when he was 16 years old, his mom  the mid-1950s. During these heyday  for an impressive fifty-four years up  rade.  Frequenting  places  like  The
        surprised him with a six string fret  years he took to playing lap steel gui-  until 2018 when, at the age of 89, his  Town Peddler, Karma Coffee, IKEA,
        hole Kay, his first guitar. Although he  tar with local bands. He played with  health began to decline.  and Aunt Rosie’s. Playing checkers
        was appreciative, his true desire and  The  Ramblin  Boys  and  with  the  When you drive by the old store,  and being beaten by Al almost every
        interest was to play what he knew as  Melody Drifters. He idolized the one  you will notice the landmark yellow  time  despite  his  sight-impairment.
        "Hawaiian" guitar – also known as a  and only famous steel guitar player  guitar out front that Al designed and  Listening to the MOJO in the Morn-
        lap steel. With his mom’s permission,  Jerry Byrd.                    built  with  some  help  through  the  ing phone scams. Trying to get lucky
        he was able to trade in the Kay so    Al found work at Rigley’s where  years  from  two  of  his  brothers-in-  with scratch-off lottery tickets. The
        that he could get his first steel. He al-  he made various signs and Palmer  law.  He also designed the artwork  life-sized  paper-mache  witch  he
        ways  felt  a  little  bad  about  having  Paint  Company  which  is  famously  on the sign situated above the guitar.  made for the elementary school one
        done so.                           known for paint by numbers art kits.  Lest you think Al’s life was con-  Halloween.  “Witch  Hazel,”  the  last
           The  music  bug  was  planted.  In  It was around late 1959-1960 that Al  sumed only by music, Al did have a  piece  of  art  Al  created  during  this
        time,  Al  became  a  talented  self-  got a job at Foxhole Records in Gar-  personal family life that began in the  last year while he was quarantined to
        taught player of both guitar and the  den City. He began giving guitar les-  mid to late 1960s when he met his  his assisted living apartment AND he
        steel. Through the late 1940s Al and  sons. In 1964, Al moved back to the  wife, Joanne, at a get-together hosted  made her while having almost no vi-
        his family spent many days at Hick-  home where his mom and brother   by her cousin and his wife. A beauti-  sion.
        ory Park, the American Legion hall  had lived on Wayne Rd., and it was  ful 38-year love story began on No-  The  poem  he  penned  titled
        in Temperance. His mother was the  there  that  he  established  Victor  vember 22, 1969. In May 1970 they  “Michigan” that was given the State
        bar owner at the time.             Music Studio. He worked in the front  were  blessed  by  the  birth  of  their  Senate  Special  Tribute  seal  from
           It was during the late 1940s when  of the house and lived in the back.  daughter and then on Al's 43rd birth-  Senator Loren N. Bennett. The magic
        Al honed in on his artistic side. At  He continued teaching guitar for  day in 1972, he was blessed with the  and card tricks he would do. His im-
        the age of 17 he took 3rd place in  a  total  of  eleven  years.  His  family  gift of a son.            pressive ability to pull a tablecloth
        AAA's National School Traffic Safety  says he took pride in this and the  Every card that Al gave Joanne  out  from  under  everything  on  the
        Poster Contest. He took art classes  role he played in shaping the musi-  throughout  their  38  years  of  mar-  table.  The  phone  calls  that  ended
        through Art Instruction Inc. based  cality of so many. He diligently kept  riage was handmade by him. Many  with  “Love  you.  Be  well.  Over  and
        out of Minnesota.                  a hand-written record of each and  of them were displayed at his memo-  out.”
           In 1950, Al enlisted in the Army  every student and lesson.        rial  service  last  month.  Al  died  Over and out.
        and served as a Private First Class   Al took great pride in his guitar  March 7 at the age of 91.         If you have a special memory of
        cartographer  (map  maker),  yet  an-  shop  and  what  he  brought  to  the  Al’s  children  recall  their  dad  Al or Victor Music Studio, the family
        other way to indulge in his artistic  table. Not only did he provide sales  being  on  the  “strict,  rigid  side.”  would love to hear about it. You can
        side.  In 1952, he was honorably dis-  of various items, he offered repairs,  Through  the  years,  however,  they  reach   them   at   stupakavich@-
        charged.                           restringing and tuning of guitars. If a  found him to be a “softie at heart.”
        14 · April 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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