Page 13 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Kathleen Ann olina, had a war-time romance and
"Connie" Barnett were married in 1945. After her hus-
Kathleen Ann band’s death, she worked in the
"Connie" (née housekeeping department of An-
napolis Hospital until her retirement.
Moore) Barnett, After retirement Connie enjoyed
died Sunday, Feb- traveling to Florida and North Car-
ruary 28, 2021. olina every year to visit relatives. She
She was pre-
ceded in death by was a life-long member of St. Mary’s
Church in Wayne, a member of the
her war-time Ladies Sodality, and was on a bowl-
sweetheart, hus- ing league for years with St. Mary’s.
band Bruce War- She was Den Mother for Bruce’s Cub
ren Barnett; her brother-in-law, Jack Scout Troop, and was a roommother
Barnett; her beloved parents, Agnes for all her three children in their
"Molly" (née Yuchas) Moore and Leo school classrooms. Connie lived in
Anthony Moore; her brother, William
"Billy" Moore; her sister, Joanne Wayne for 77 years until she moved
to The Village of Westland in 2003
Strausbough; her daughter, Carole where she made many good friends.
Barnett Stopper; her son-in-law, She worked once a week in the Vil-
John Barnett Stopper; and her son, lage Store, and was the usher at the
Bruce Barnett. twice monthly Catholic Mass in the
Surviving are her daughter, Diane Village Chapel. In 2017 Connie
Barnett Gordon of Roseburg, OR; moved to Elizabeth City Health and
her granddaughter, Jesse "Julia" Rehabilitation nursing home to be
(née Gordon) Orton (Chandler) of closer to family. Connie had a gift for
Oregon; her daughter-in-law, Mau- friendship that when she made a
reen McCarthy of Edenton, NC; her friend, they were friends for a life-
niece, Sue; nephews, Marty and Phil time.
and their families; and her treasured
neighbors and friends.
Due to COVID-19 concerns, a
Mrs. Barnett worked at Country- service of Remembrance and Inter-
side Dairy ice cream bar in her teen ment of Ashes will be held at a future
years, attended St. Mary’s of Wayne date in Wayne, Michigan. Miller Fu-
for eight years, and graduated from neral Home & Crematory, 735 Vir-
Wayne High School in 1944. During ginia Road, Edenton, is assisting the
the war, she worked for Ford Motor family with arrangements, and on-
Company on the assembly line. Con- line condolences may be made to
nie and Bruce Barnett, of North Car- them by visiting
Irene Carpenter Irene enjoyed spending time out-
Irene Carpen- doors with her family at their cabin
ter (Leininger) near Parry Sound, Ontario. She en-
was born on No- joyed fishing, hiking and baking. She
vember 13, 1927 was a school lunch attendant in Ban-
in Sand Creek, gor, Michigan where she enjoyed
Michigan. She working with children. She and her
passed away on husband enjoyed fishing with their
March 12, 2021 family on their boat in Lake Michi-
at the age of 93 gan. She moved back to Westland in
surrounded by 1994.
her family. Irene married R. Allan Irene is preceded in death by her
Carpenter on October 26, 1946 and parents, Howard and Mary Leininger
resided in Wayne until 1980. To- and her step mother Velma
gether they had four children, David Leininger (Standish), her husband R.
(Lynn) Carpenter, Alice (Earl) Spuck, Allan Carpenter, four siblings and
Susan (Khamphay) Keomany, and her grandson Brian Spuck.
Barbara McMurdie. She was loved In lieu of flowers, memorial con-
by her eight grandchildren and 12 tributions may be sent to Heart to
greatgrandchildren. Heart Hospice.
The Wayne Dispatch · April 2021 · 13