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DDA hires Director of marketing and events
By Alfred Brock The most challenging thing that ability to step it up a notch.
I had an opportunity to talk with Lisa has found about her new posi- Director Kubany expressed her
the new Downtown Development Au- tion is addressing the unknown for excitement about working with busi-
thority Director of Marketing and the business community. The pan- ness owners “ create more
Events Lisa Kubany. I know the DDA demic has taken so many different awareness of their businesses and
is glad to have her on board and I turns and placed tough restrictions drive people in their front doors.”
am sure you’ll be excited about this on our business owners. I’ll let Director Kubany explain
too after I tell you a little bit about As for what public events are how she feels about her new posi-
her and her work. planned, if they are allowed at the tion, she says, “This is my dream
Lisa grew up in the City of Wayne time the first activities that will be job. For my community, for my peo-
and she feels that two of the Lisa Kubany taking place in the City will be the ple and I get to do what I love and
strengths (among many) that Wayne Lisa comes to us with a full array US12 Cruise in July and the DDA is bring the passion to the city.”
has is that we have a walkable Down- of skills and abilities. She has been hopeful that there will be Concerts in Kubany is looking forward to work-
town and a ton of potential. Lisa’s fa- doing event planning for about 15 the Park in August. These two events ing with the DDA Director and the
vorite place downtown is Goudy years. She has orchestrated and will afford our businesses new op- entire DDA Board.
Park. Her personal favorite is the publicized small, medium and large portunities to market themselves. To sum it all up in her profes-
Concerts in the Park events and will events including Community Health Kubany will be assisting the busi- sional and uniquely personal voice
be preparing to assist bringing them fundraisers. It’s clear Director nesses in their efforts. Lisa has this to say, “While serving as
back this summer. She enjoys being Kubany has been an active part of I asked Lisa why she believes the the Director of Marketing and
able to walk into Downtown and the the community and business com- DDA is receiving more positive atten- Events, I will be responsible for in-
fact that she knows everyone. It’s a munity and knows and enjoys it thor- tion these days from Wayne resi- creasing the DDA’s social media pres-
hometown to her and that says it all! oughly. dents and businesses. She expressed ence, creating web content specific to
Using her skills Kubany will be Scott Gocaj, who is a member of her impression that the DDA was not the DDA, compiling a comprehensive
working with place making and the DDA has know Lisa for some in a financial position to make the list of available real estate, promot-
using natural plantings to beautify time and recommended her to the mark on the community prior to ing the Façade Improvement Pro-
the city walks. She will pay attention DDA as they sought someone with 2016. Recently paid off debt and gram, and creating events designed
to the brick retaining walls and cen- the skills, experience, and passion conservative spending has allowed to drive people into the Wayne Rd.-
tral plazas like Derby’s Alley and the necessary to support our commu- several beautification projects to Michigan Ave. Corridor.”
Veteran’s Memorial. nity’s needs. take place and the DDA now has the Welcome aboard, Lisa K.!
8 · April 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch