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Recreation Center purchased by Hype Athletics

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         willing for this next step.
             Hype Athletics is here to stay.                                                                         “The city has entrusted us with
             After an almost year-long process,                                                                   the  leadership  and  opportunity  to
          due to COVID-19 and processing de-                                                                      serve its residents. With the freedom
          lays, Ali Sayed, Founder and CEO of                                                                     of this purchase, they are allowing us
          Hype,  purchased  the  recreation                                                                       to  do  our  best  to  serve  the  kids,
          building from the City of Wayne.                                                                        adults, and seniors in that center,”
             Hype had been leasing the build-                                                                     said Sayed.
          ing since August 2015.                                                                                     Sayed grew up in a diverse envi-
             Hype Athletics is a non-profit or-                                                                   ronment,  with  a  passion  to  teach
          ganization that focuses on providing                                                                    kids to play sports. Over the years,
          communities with drug-free, violent-                                                                    Sayed’s vision blossomed. There are
          free, and diverse athletic events and                                             Hype Recreation Center.    now multiple Hype locations and he
          programs for kids and adults.      city.                              the  building  and  aesthetics  of  the  is working on national and interna-
             In 2001, Hype was created with     The sale went through mid-July  building,”  said  Lori  Gouin,  City  of  tional projects.
          the mission to strengthen infrastruc-  2021.                          Wayne  Community  Development/-      “I’d  like  to  thank  everyone  that
          tures that support the positive devel-  “Under  the  Hype  umbrella,  we  Planning Director.            played a role and voted in support of
          opment  of  the  youth  in  the    had to abide by the guidelines of the  Sayed  explained  they  plan  on  this project and the sale of the build-
          community through athletics, educa-  city; not that it was a problem before.  doing a lot of capital improvements  ing. It was great to have worked with
          tional tutoring, literacy development,  But now, in a positive way, we have  to  the  building,  such  as  fixing  the  the council and administration, who
          and  social  awareness  (including:  gained full control of the center, and  parking lot and painting the outside  have  been  very  patient  in  this
          mentoring,  counseling,  life  skills  are going to be able to do a lot more.  and  inside  of  the  building.  Along  process but nonetheless, determined
          training, and substance abuse educa-  There  really  isn't  any  limitation  to  with repurposing the aquatic center,  to help Hype continue providing serv-
          tion and prevention).              the  service  we  can  provide,”  said  expanding  the  workout  room,  and  ice to Wayne,” said Sayed.
             For over five years Hype has been  Sayed.                          making  improvements  to  the  ban-  Hype  Athletics  is  open  Monday
          bringing the community positive and   Hype’s goal since the purchase is  quet rooms.                    through  Friday  6AM  through  9PM,
          productive programs that have been  to  maintain  services  for  residents,  “It's going to take a huge burden  and  Saturday  and  Sunday  8  a.m.
          changing people’s lives.           and  maintain  the  beauty  and  im-  off the city’s standpoint and free up  through 8 p.m..
             As  soon  as  August  2020  came  prove the beauty of the building.   money in the budget to focus on our  For  more  information  about
          around, Sayed began the discussion   “Sayed  purchasing  the  building  parks,” said Gouin.             Hype, visit or call
          of purchasing the building from the  will give him the ability to improve  Sayed  is  more  than  ready  and  (734)721-7400.

                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · August 2021 · 11
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