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Battle’s journey to becoming an Olympian

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         and  it  seems  like  every  week  I'm
             Anavia Battle is now an interna-                                                                     doing interviews. It's been hard but
          tional name.                                                                                            it’s given me a chance to get out of
             At the age of 22, Battle made her                                                                    my box. It’s giving me a lot of expo-
          first U.S. team, which just so hap-                                                                     sure,” said Battle. “It’s nice to do this
          pened to be the U.S. Olympic team.                                                                      for other people, for myself, and for
             On Saturday, June 26th, Battle                                                                       other little girls so they can see you
          qualified for the U.S. Olympic team                                                                     can do what you want if you put your
          after placing third in the 200-meter                                                                    mind to it and put the work in.”
          dash  at  the  Olympic  Trials  with  a                                                                    More and more people began rec-
          time of 21.95 seconds.                                                                                  ognizing Anavia Battle’s name.
             The time was a personal best for                                                                        “Especially  with  social  media.  I
          Battle and made her the fifth fastest                                                                   got 3,000 followers in one night and
          woman in the world for the 200 me-                                                                      I’m verified on Twitter now,” said Bat-
          ters this year before the Olympics.                                                                     tle.
             Battle has always been a fast run-                                                                      And now people are putting a face
          ner, but there was a time when she                                                                      to the name.
          didn’t truly utilize her talent.                                                                           “When I’m walking on campus I’m
             Her  track  career  began  in  7th                                                                   so  used  to  people  not  saying  any-
          grade  at  Franklin  Middle  School.                                                                    thing to me. Now I go into stores and
          She continued running track in high                                                                     people say congrats and ask for pic-
          school at Wayne Memorial, and even                                                                      tures with me,” said Battle.
          though she won all of her races, she                                                                       But  Battle  isn’t  letting  anything
          didn’t take it seriously.                                                                               get to her.
             “My  grandma  always  told  me  if                                                                      “I avoid having the light on me. I
          I'm  going  to  do  something,  be  the                                                                 don't  like  to  get  treated  any  differ-
          best at it. Back then I didn't really                                                                   ently.  My  friends  still  treat  me  the
          take that in. I was just running to                                                                     same. They celebrated me after the
          have an extracurricular activity,” said                                                                 trials, now it's back to business, and
          Battle.                                                                                                 then they’ll celebrate me when I get
             However, her junior year of high                                                                     back home,” said Battle.
          school, Battle began taking track se-                                                                      The Olympics began Friday, July
          riously. This came with the help of                                                                     23rd, and end Sunday, August 8th.
          her coach, Jamal Johnson.          Wayne Memorial Alumni and Ohio State NCAA Champion Anavia Battle in Tokyo  Battle’s  flight  left  for  Japan  on
             “He  would  push  me  and  said  I  Japan as part of the U.S. Olympic team.                          July 24th and arrived in Tokyo on
          had talent that I didn't see,” said Bat-                                                                the 25th.
          tle.                               the  fastest  collegiate  athlete  of  all  “Society says coming from a black  Due to COVID-19, Tokyo is not
             Once  Battle  realized  how  good  time for the 200m.              American  single-parent  home,  my  accepting fans in the stands during
          she  was  at  the  sport  and  how  she  Battle is a senior at Ohio State  children were not supposed to suc-  the  Olympics.  To  compensate  for
          liked the feeling of winning, her men-  majoring  in  Human  Development  ceed. I’m proud to say they beat the  this,  USA  Track  &  Field  supplied
          tality changed.                    and Family Science. She is graduat-  odds. Look at where they are today,”  Battle with two tickets for a watch
             “I always won races. But rather  ing this month with the goal of be-  said Booze-Battle.             party in Orlando, Florida. She gave
          than  ‘athlete  versus  athlete,’  it  coming  a  first  grade  teacher,  and  Battle isn’t the only runner in her  the tickets to her mom and Montel.
          started  being  ‘athlete  versus  the  plans on getting her master’s degree  family.                       “I still feel like this is a dream. Re-
          clock,’” said Battle.              in Education Administration and be-  Montel ran track for Mississippi  ality  probably  won't  hit  me  until  I
             Battle went on to run track for  coming  a  principal  or  superinten-  State University and her granddad,  meet up with Montel in Orlando and
          Ohio State University and created a  dent.                            Clyde Battle, ran track in high school  we sit down and watch the race to-
          name for herself.                     Aside from having a career, she  and college. Her granddad has been  gether,”  said Booze-Battle. “I am be-
             Throughout her time at OSU, she  also plans on becoming a pro athlete.  a big influence in her life by always  yond excited to be watching one of
          has  won  seven  individual  Big  Ten  “I’m glad I didn't take it [track] se-  being there for her and giving advice  my  four  success  stories  unfold  in
          Conference titles and won multiple  riously in the beginning. Some peo-  before a run and asking questions af-  front of the whole world.”
          Big Ten outdoor championships and  ple play a sport so long they hate it,”  terwards.                      Battle ran August 1st and 2nd in
          individual titles. Four times she was  said Battle. “I’ve put so much into  Having a shy personality, Battle  the Olympics.
          named Big Ten’s track athlete of the  this. I have nothing but love for this  noticed a change in people’s attitude  Sunday night she finished second
          year/of the championship.          sport. It’s taken me places I didn't  towards  her  almost  immediately  in her heat (and eighth overall) with
             She  broke  multiple  Ohio  State  know I could go and opened so many  after the Olympic Trials in Oregon.   a time of 22.54 and advanced to the
          school records such as the outdoor  doors.”                             “I  was  walking  through  the  air-  semifinals. For her semifinal on Mon-
          200 meters with a time of 22.28 and   Battle grew up in Inkster as the  port coming from the trials and had  day, she finished sixth in her heat
          the indoor 200 meters with a time of  youngest of four children in a single-  to sign a girl’s boarding pass,” said  with  a  time  of  23.02  and  did  not
          22.66. She also set the Big Ten in-  parent household. She’s very close  Battle.                        qualify for the 200m finals.
          door championships record in the   with  her  mother  Antoinette  Booze-  Then  the  press  began  reaching  Overall, she finished 16th in the
          200 with a time of 22.75 in 2019.  Battle,  sister  Mintoria,  and  two  out to her for interviews.     semifinals of the 200-meter dash at
             With the time of 21.95, Battle is  brothers, Antoine and Montel.     “I don’t like talking about myself  the Tokyo Olympics.
                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · August 2021 · 13
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