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Do this ONE THING more this August

             As far as clichés go, reading in a                                 explanatory, but here are some addi-  •  DO  make  it  mindful.  Before
          singles ad that someone enjoys “long                                  tional tips:                      grounding, make note of any aches
          walks  on  the  beach”  likely  ranks                                   •  DO  walk  on  grass  that  is  or pains you may feel, as well as any
          among  the  top.  But  it  turns  out,                                slightly  moist,  as  the  water  helps  stress, anxiety, anger, or tension in
          there appears to be evidence of why                                   conduct  the  electrons;  dry  grass  your body. Then compare how you
          placing our bare feet on the earth is                                 won’t be as effective.            feel after grounding.
          such a calming, peaceful exercise.                                      •  DON’T  walk  on  grass  or  soil
             Walking barefoot—also known as                                     that is littered with dog/bird drop-  Still not convinced?
          earthing  or  grounding—has  gone                                     pings. Because the soles of our feet  Well, here’s something that’s hard
          from being considered hippy-dippy  detoxify, calm, reduce inflammation,  are  very  effective  at  absorbing  the  to deny: Walking barefoot can evoke
          hogwash   to   a   scientifically-re-  synchronize  your  internal  clocks,  earth’s energy, they can also absorb  a  particular  sense  of  happiness—
          searched  practice  with  several  re-  hormonal  cycles  and  physiological  toxins. Clean grass, pristine forest,  kind of like the foot version of find-
          markable health advantages.        rhythms.”                          or beach soil is ideal.           ing  a  crumpled  dollar  bill  in  the
             More on the perks of the practice  According to Gaia, a health and   • DO engage in grounding after  pocket of a long-forgotten sweater—
          in a second. First, let’s define earth-  wellness network, walking barefoot  flying,  as  our  bodies  bioelectrical  or hearing a Jimmy Buffet song dur-
          ing/grounding because it really is a  on either moist grass or the beach  rhythms are thrown out of balance  ing happy hour.
          thing.                             immediately produces a warm, tin-  in flight and grounding restores that  At the very least, an attempt at
             One  of  the  most  easily-under-  gling  sensation  or  a  sense  of  well-  electrical equilibrium.  grounding will lead you to slow down
          stood  descriptions  of  grounding  being that can trigger a multitude of  • DO wash your feet with soap  for  a  minute,  experience  the  great
          comes  from    health benefits, often within minutes.  and water, after grounding, to get rid  outdoors, and just be.
          “Our bodies are made up of about 60  These benefits include relieving mus-  of  soil  detritus  that  you  may  have  And what could be the harm in
          percent water, which is great for con-  cle  tension,  headaches  and  men-  picked up.                 that?
          ducting electricity. The earth has a  strual  symptoms,  a  boost  in   • DON’T go barefoot if you have    If you're wondering whether walk-
          negative ionic charge. Going barefoot  immunity, and improved blood pres-  any open cuts/sores on your soles, as  ing barefoot is the right move for you,
          grounds our bodies to that charge.  sure.                             that can be an entry point for para-  it's always best to consult your pri-
          Negative  ions  have  been  proven  to  Grounding/earthing is pretty self-  sites/fungi.                mary doctor before hitting the grass.
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