Page 5 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 5

          First  Congregational  Church  of
          Wayne, #2 Towne Square, (next to
          McDonald’s) is having a huge rum-
          mage sale Thursday, September 30,
          through  Saturday,  October  2.  The
          church  has  not  been  able  to  hold
          their twice-yearly rummage sales for
          two  years  due  to  the  COVID  pan-
          demic. During that time, they have
          collected a vast assortment of items
          to  sell.  Come  see  all  they  have  to
             Thursday, September 30, and Fri-
          day, October 1: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
             Saturday, October 2: 9 a.m.-Noon

             The  Wayne  Public  Library  is
          pleased  to  announce  that  the
          Wayne Public Library is no longer
          charging fines for overdue materi-
          als!  The  Library  Board  voted  in
          favor of this change in an effort to re-
          move barriers to library use and to
          help  the  library  operate  more  effi-
             “Over  the  last  few  years,  hun- The ribbon was cut by the Wayne City Council and Wayne County Community Development Team for the new play structure
          dreds of libraries across the country  at Attwood Park on August 3 while children played in the background. Take your children or grandchildren on a new adventure
          have gone fine-free and seen signifi-
          cant increases both in library mate-  to check out this new playground.
          rials being returned and in residents  at  St.  Mary’s  Catholic  Church,  and will highlight several local fami-  please RSVP so they can get an idea
          using the library again. If you have  34530 W. Michigan Avenue in Wayne.  lies and figures. Donations accepted.  of the number of people they must
          overdue fines on your account from                                                                      prepare  for.  You  can  call  734-721-
          something you’ve returned late or if  The Wayne Historical Society has  Dec. 5 – Holiday Night at the Mu-  6911 to RSVP.
          you have overdue materials at home  some great presentations and events  seum                              The Wayne Police Department
          right now, just bring back whatever  coming  up  for  the  remainder  of  5:30-9 p.m. – Come out and see  is proud to announce and display
          you’ve checked out and we will waive  2021. Be sure to check some, or all,  Santa, get cookies and hot chocolate,  its  new  "Safe  Exchange  Zone"  in
          any overdue fines that might have ac-  of them out!                   and join in the Christmas cheer as  the front parking lot. The Safe Ex-
          crued.”                               Sept. 9 – 102nd Colored Troops  the town Christmas tree is lit.   change Zone is designated parking
             Please note that the library will  Reenactment Group                                                 for exchanging items that you pur-
          still be charging replacement fees for  7 p.m. – Learn about how African  *Events  are  at  the  museum,  1  chase or sell online.
          lost or damaged items. Also, if you  American Troops contributed to the  Towne Square, Wayne, MI unless oth-  The Safe Exchange Zone can also
          use your library card at another li-  Civil War and what life was like for  erwise noted*               be used for child custody exchanges.
          brary or check out another library’s  them, both on the battlefield and the                             This area is under 24/7 video surveil-
          materials,  that  library  may  still  homefront.                       Wayne  Rotary  sponsors  neigh-  lance  and  was  created  to  offer  a
          charge overdue fines.                 Sept. 26 – Special Cemetery Walk  borhood Picnics in Rotary Parks!  peace of mind to the parties involved.
             “We believe that eliminating over- – Ganong Cemetery               This year's picnics will occur on Sep-
          due fines and increasing access to    1-3 p.m. – Join the Society for a  tember  15  (Rotary  Park  1-  4900  -  Wayne Police Officers may not
          the library benefits our entire com-  special Cemetery Walk with Westland  5298 Hunt St.) and September 23  participate or act as an official wit-
          munity!”                           Historical Society at Ganong Ceme-  (Rotary Park 2- 35031 Richard St.).  ness in the transactions, nor are
                                             tery on Henry Ruff Road. Several fig-  Picnics will be 6-7 p.m.      they available for legal advice or to
             Law enforcement officers, fire-  ures will be highlighted. Donations                                 settle civil or pricing disputes be-
          fighters and emergency personnel   accepted.                            Notre Dame Council #3021 will   tween parties involved in the trans-
          from the cities of Wayne, Westland    Sept.  29  –  Witch  Hat  Making  be celebrating their 75th anniver-  actions at this location.
          and Inkster will be recognized for  Workshop                          sary  this  year.  You  are  invited  to
          their faithful commitment and self-   6:30 p.m. – Make two fun witch  share in the celebration on Sunday,  The  Wayne  Public  Library  is
          sacrifice  at  St.  Mary’s  Catholic  hats for the upcoming Halloween sea-  September  19,  at  an  Open  House  open  to  the  public.  There are no
          Church’s annual Blue Mass on Sun-  son. Kid friendly fun, $20 per per-  from 4-6 p.m. The Council will be  longer time limits on your visits--you
          day, September 12, at 11:30 a.m.   son, tickets available online.     dedicating  their  Memorial  Garden  are welcome to browse, study, and
          These  first  responders  provide     Oct. 3 – Annual Cemetery Walk   and  Hall  followed  by  a  Wine  and  read for as long as you like. Call the
          heroic service to us day in and day   1-3 p.m. – This year’s cemetery  Cheese Reception. This event is open  library for more information (734)
          out. Come honor and support them   walk will be at St. Mary’s cemetery  to the public, but you are asked to  721-7832.
                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · August 2021 · 5
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