Page 14 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 14

Christmas, Continued from page 10  would  give  Santa  their  Christmas
                                             wish list.
          in Wayne in 1940, grew up in Wayne    At Christmas the downtown was
          and  still  lives  in  Wayne  today.  His  decorated from top to bottom. Mul-  Donald Eugene Plank,     Livonia, Michigan; a member of the First Con-
          family lived in downtown Wayne on  holland's  Drygoods  Department
          Sophia  Street,  one  of  the  short  Store,  Lazar's,  Gladstones,  Milt  87,  of  Lacey,  Washing-    gregational Church in Michigan and later in
          streets that ran north off Michigan  Humphries, Kresges and many other  ton, died on Friday, Octo-      Alaska;  and  a  member  of  the  United
          Avenue  for  a  block  to  the  Rouge  businesses were decked out in holi-  ber 1, 2021, in Olympia,    Churches of Olympia after moving to Wash-
          River. (He remembers the river as a  day colors.                      WA.                               ington in 1999.
          place  to  play  in  the  summer  and  Each year on Christmas Eve all of  He  was  born  in  Savan-     He  loved  people  and  was  known  for  his
          skate in the winter as his parents did  my husband’s relatives congregated  nah, Ohio on February 17,   sense of humor and for always being there
          when  they  were  younger.)  My  hus-  at his grandmother’s home to cele-
          band lived on the right side of the  brate! The children sat on the stairs  1934, and was the eighth of nine children. with a helping hand.  He also enjoyed fishing,
          street  second  from  the  end.  His  at the end ofthe living room that led  He lived in Savannah and Ashland, Ohio until  hunting, camping and especially traveling.
          grandmother  on  his  mother's  side  to the upstairs. The adults gathered  he joined the Air Force in 1952, serving until  After retiring, he and his wife, Joan, spent
          lived  across  the  street  in  the  last  in the living room and dining room.  1956.  While in the Air Force he was trained  five  years  traveling  full-time  around  the
          house next to the river. His grandpar-  Christmas song sheets were passed  as an Air Traffic Controller and remained in  United States.
          ents on his father's side lived on the  out as his aunt played the piano and  that  profession  with  the  Civil  Service  in  He was preceded in death by his wife, Joan;
          next street Clark, and his Aunt and  his   grandmother   played   the  Michigan and Alaska until he retired in 1981. infant son, Jeffery; his parents; six sisters
          Uncle  lived  on  the  next  street,  melodeon. Singing filled the air and
          Williams.  His  father’s  brother  and  the  neighborhood.  Following  the  Don became an ordained minister in 1983  and two brothers.
          his family lived across the river. My  song  fest  there  was  lots  of  chatter  and was involved with the ministry profes- Don is survived by daughters, Valerie Bahl
          husband was surrounded by family   and  visiting  as  cookies  and  cider  sionally, and then later as a volunteer, until  (Randal)  and  Pattie  Ravenheart;  stepson,
          in a community where he knew most  were  enjoyed  by  all!  Last  but  not  2018.                       Richard  Showalter  (Julie);  stepdaughter,
          everyone  as  his  father  was  a  busi-  least small gifts were exchanged by  In  1957,  he  married  Juanita  Hiveley  of  Diane Ludwig (Brooks); eight grandchildren
          nessman  in  downtown  Wayne.  He  all. My husband loves to share these  Wayne, Michigan and they shared 23 years  and two great-grandchildren.
          walked  two  blocks  to  the  old  Roo-  great memories of having his whole
          sevelt  School  and  three  blocks  to  family living together in Wayne and  together.  Don married Joan Showalter in An- Don will be interred at the Tahoma National
          Carpenter  Park  in  the  downtown    celebrating Christmas together at  chorage, Alaska in 1983 and they enjoyed  Cemetery in Kent, Washington.
          area  where  Santa's  House  and  Vil-  his grandmother's house!      life together for the next 24 years until her  Memorial donations may be made to the
          lage was located at Christmas time.                 Darlene Hawley    death in 2008.                    Panorama Benevolent Association in Lacey,
          It was here that all of the children                Wayne Resident    Don was a member of the Masonic Lodge in  Washington.

          14 · December 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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