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Holiday fun for all at the Wayne Historical Museum

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         a petting zoo and a DJ.
             It’s  that  time  of  year  again,  the                                                                 Two performers from Detroit Fly-
          holiday season.                                                                                         house Circus also attended, as well
             For families that were looking for                                                                   as two ice sculptors. The sculptors
          a night of good holiday fun, Wayne’s                                                                    had finished ice sculptures on dis-
          annual Christmas tree lighting just                                                                     play and were carving and answering
          happened again this year.                                                                               questions throughout the night.
             Holiday Night at the museum was                                                                         A  food  truck  was  also  present.
          Saturday,  December  4th,  at  the                                                                      One free ticket was handed out to
          Wayne Historical Society on 1 Towne                                                                     the first 300 attendees at the event.
          Square  St.  The  event  started  at  6                                                                    Hillcrest Bible Church provided
          p.m.  and  lasted  until  about  8:30                                                                   cookies  and  hot  chocolate,  while
          p.m.                                                                                                    Phoenix Theatres State Wayne gave
             The evening kicked off with a pa-                                                                    out free popcorn.
          rade  around  the  church  at  6  p.m.                                                                     “This  year  we  stepped  it  up  a
          The Wayne Memorial Zebra March-                                                                         notch  and  I  think  the  Wayne  resi-
          ing Band performed in the parade,  Tyler Moll and Nicole Conklin with the Grinch at the Holiday Night at the Wayne His-  dents deserved it. I wanted them to
          as well as fourth and fifth graders                                                                     enjoy this,” said Conklin. “This was
          doing a pom pom routine. Groups    torical Museum.                                                      our gift to them. Just for a couple
          from local churches walked, along  Mayor  of  Wayne  presented  Santa  ing Santa,” said President of the So-  hours, forget about the bills, forget
          with members from the Wayne Pub-   with a key. Mrs. Claus also attended,  ciety Nicole Conklin.         about the pandemic. Just enjoy it.”
          lic Library and the City Council.   as  well  as  the  Grinch,  Cindy  Lou  Aside from the parade and tree  “The DDA is a proud sponsor of
             Santa Claus came in Wayne Police  Who, and characters from Frozen.   lighting, the night was filled with ac-  the event,” said Lori Gouin, Commu-
          Chief  Strong’s  red  truck  and  the  “This event is more than just see-  tivities for the whole family.   nity Development/Planning Director.
                                                                                  There were craft projects, along   This is the fifth year in a row the
                                                                                with carnival games in the parking  Wayne   Historical   Society   has
                                                                                lots. Candy and prizes were available  planned Holiday Night.
                                                                                for  the  kids.  Professional  balloon  The museum is open Wednesday
                                                                                twisters attended, along with a choir  10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Thursday 10
                                                                                singing and caroling bells. There was  a.m. – 5 p.m.

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · December 2021 · 11
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