Page 4 - The Wayne Dispatch
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Love, Continued from page 3                                           market  outside.  Scenes  were  also  tional Independent TV and Film Fes-
                                                                                shot  outside  the  Wayne  Historical  tival.  There  is  a  similar  festival  in
             They  hold  hands.  Their  steps                                   Museum and inside US-12 Bar and   New York to what he has planned for
          when they walk are in sync. They de-                                  Grill.                            Wayne  where,  he  says,  $10,000  is
          clare their love for each other and                                     When  we  spoke,  Antoine  and  spent in a week in New York City by
          their  unique  traits:  intelligence,                                 Michelle  were  writing  episode  2  people attending the festival. He be-
          humor,  giving,  generosity.  They’ve                                 which they planned to start shooting  lieves  $1.5-2  million  could  be  in-
          been  newlyweds  for  almost  five                                    over four days beginning December  jected into the City of Wayne with his
          months after marrying in July 2020.                                   9. The McKay’s are taking safety pre-  projects. “We’ve gone through what
             Although they still have a home in                                 cautions for all involved. Daily tem-  we’ve gone through for it to be what
          Chicago, they decided to live here in                                 perature checks, COVID tests and a  it needed to be,” said Antoine. “I’ve
          Wayne also. Antoine said they are set-                                nurse on set are part  of  that.   been  so  blessed  to  act  and  teach
          tling  here  because  it’s  “where  we                                  Before  Antoine  came  back  into  around the world.”
          were  awarded  and  afforded  so                                      her  life,  Michelle’s  “performances”  Besides the financial effects  of
          much.”                                                                were  strictly  as  a  mosaic  teacher.  the  projects,  Michelle  stresses  the
             “It’s so important to pour into the                                After reconnecting with Antoine, she  cultural  benefits.  They  want  to  en-
          socio-economic. Wayne poured into                                     made an appearance in “The G,” a  hance lives, create hope, and give the
          us and now we can pour back into                                      TV  series  filmed  in  Gary,  Indiana  Wayne  community  a  foundation  to
          the community. I felt special when I                                  currently  on  Amazon  Prime.  She  build from. “Our goal,” said Antoine,
          was here, and we want to give that                                    plays a woman at a rally while An- “is to create a production-based en-
          back  to  the  community,”  said  An-                                 toine plays Councilman Battle. In the  tity here where we use all the attrib-
          toine.                                                                series,  a  man  returns  home  from  utes  of  Wayne. It’s a great city. We’re
             How are the couple pouring back  Antoine McKay recently starred in the  prison to pick up where he left off,  introducing creativity and fun back
          into  the  community?  They  formed  short film 'Unclaimed' that was shown  controlling all the criminal activity in  into the community.”
          Chelletoine  Productions  to  explore  during  a  recent  virtual  fundraiser  for  the city. “She has stepped into this  “Build on creative energy,” added
          life through the arts. Their first proj-                              world  and  her  art,”  enthused  An-  Julie.
          ect is “Michelle S. Bitts, Ph.D.” which  Champions  of  Wayne.        toine,  “Her  performance,  it’s  just  “It becomes more  of  a destina-
          they are filming in Wayne.  The show  struggled with mental illness before  beautiful, and she fits right in.”  tion than just a place,” concluded An-
          is about a psychologist who, over the  taking their own lives. The McKays  What’s in the future? Antoine is  toine.Wayne as a destination is a fine
          course  of  the season, is going to de-  want to spread the word about men-  busy organizing the Wayne Interna-  idea indeed.
          volve into needing one  of  her own.  tal illness, the ideas behind it, the
          The title  of  the show is a word play  language associated with it, so peo-
          on Michelle’s stained glass business  ple become more comfortable talk-
          “Michelle’s Pieces.”               ing about it.
             How did the show come about?       The pilot episode was filmed with
          Antoine said a friend who is based in  mostly a “green” crew. Antoine said
          Los Angeles, told him that the net-  these  crew  members  had  never
          works were dying for content right  worked on or done a play, much less
          now. “Right here on this porch,” he  a TV show. They are trying to use as
          says, “we got the idea, and we started  many people from Wayne as they can
          writing.” The show has aspects  of  or else Michigan actors and crew on
          mental illness in it. “We want to nor-  the  show.  They  want  to  use  every-
          malize  it  (mental  illness),”  said  thing they can from Wayne, as far as
          Michelle.  Actor/comedian  Robin   that is possible.
          Williams,  fashion  designer  Kate    Production spent two days at He-
          Spade, and chef Anthony Bourdain   lium  Studio,  shooting  a  farmer’s

          4 · January 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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