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Gable retires from courthouse after 21 years

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                     oversees the  office operations.  “It’s  judges over her career. “I’m ready,”
             Linda  Gable,  the  29th  District                                 like a household. You need to make  Linda said  of  her retirement. “I’m
          Court Administrator, retired on De-                                   it run, and you do what it takes to  still going to be around. I’m not dis-
          cember 18 after serving the 29th Dis-                                 get it to run.”                   appearing. My job was personal for
          trict Court for 21 years.                                                During her career in Wayne, her  me, and it will be hard to leave. The
             While Linda was in college study-                                  biggest challenge has been the finan-  court  is  very  special  to  me,  and  I
          ing for her degree in math and com-                                   cial situation the City is in. “We try to  want to see it succeed.”
          puter  science,  she  took  a  summer                                 be fiscally responsible” at the court.  Although she’ll miss the staff, the
          job in 1983 as a file clerk at the 18th                               She laments having lost her longtime  police and the general public, Linda
          District Court, Westland. She went                                    employees  due  to  financial  issues.  will be able to spend more time with
          back to the 18th District Court the                                   One  of  her longtime staff members  her  grandchildren  and  travel.  “I’ll
          following  summer  and  loved  it  so                                 retired last April. The court’s current  miss  dealing  with  the  people  on  a
          much, she decided to continue work-                                   court clerks are comprised  of  em-  regular basis. Right now, I’m going to
          ing there while going to school. She                                  ployees that each have less than 3  try  to  enjoy  retirement.  When  my
          remained employed there until 1988.                                   years  of  experience.            husband retires, we would like to get
             She went from there to the 46th                                       Her  greatest  success  has  been  another home in Florida.”  She has
          District  Court,  Southfield.    She  The court had several interns  “seeing my staff grow. I like to train  traveled all over Michigan enjoying
          started  as  a  clerk  and  moved  her                                my staff and see them excel even if  nature, walking, seeing the beauty  of
          way up to be the IT person for the  over the years and they have      they don’t stay here,” she said. The  the state along with all its waterfalls.
          court.  While there, she discovered                                   court  had  several  interns  over  the  “Michigan is beautiful.”
          she wanted to be a court administra- gone on to become attorneys.     years and they have gone on to be-   What won’t she miss?  “I’m not a
          tor.                                       “Their success             come attorneys. “Their success is my  morning person, so I won’t miss get-
             Linda  was  hired  in  Wayne  in                                   success.”  Linda enjoys training peo-  ting up early to come to work.”
          1999  by  Judge  Carolyn  Archbold.        is my success.”            ple to become the best they can be.  As  Linda  left  the  courthouse
          During her 21 years as administra-                                       Her best memories at the court-  building on her last day  of  work,
          tor, she worked at the pleasure  of        Linda Gable                house revolves around people. She  police and community members cel-
          Judge  Carolyn  Archbold,  Judge   do? “That’s a really long question,”  enjoys the camaraderie with the staff.  ebrated her retirement with a drive-
          Laura  Mack  and  Judge  Breeda    she answered. “I do the day to day  “My  best  memory  is  all  the  friend-  by parade. Amidst honking, sirens
          O’Leary.                           operations  of  the court.” While the  ships I’ve made.”             and shouts  of  “Yay Linda!” Linda
             What does a Court Administrator  judge oversees the courtroom, Linda  Linda has served nine different  waved as each car passed by.

          6 · January 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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