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Changes within the Chamber
By Sarah Shurge ton was voted Chamber President, ing for outdoor events that can hap-
Small businesses aren't the only for the first time. He was then voted pen safely with social distancing, and
thing that have taken a hit during President again in 2018 and has looking for virtual events like online
COVID-19; the Wayne Chamber of held the position for going on three seminars over zoom.
Commerce has as well. years. You change. You adapt.
The Wayne Chamber is an organ- Voting for the board happens The Chamber used to host a cof-
ization in the city that is comprised once a year, usually around when the fee event on the second Tuesday of
of small businesses within the city. It Chamber’s Christmas Luncheon the month. This allowed members to
is a networking organization. A pro- happens. All of the Chamber’s events get together and network and get to
motion organization. An organiza- are centered around networking, know the member that sponsored
tion that keeps small businesses where small businesses can get to the coffee. Now, they do a virtual cof-
together and informed. know others. The Christmas Lunch- fee event hosted by a member.
So, how do you network when a eon is a huge networking event for all You change. You adapt.
pandemic shuts things down? What members of the Chamber, along with The Wayne Chamber has nine
do you do? The answer is simple. an auction that takes place during board members. There are currently
You have to change. You have to the luncheon. two vacancies, one of which is the Wayne Chamber President Stan Shelton
adapt. The Wayne Chamber is a member Vice President. Wayne Chamber recently hired
Prior to COVID, the Chamber had organization and relies on member- President: Stan Shelton with J&S Zachary Burskey, as an Executive Di-
80 members. Stan Shelton has been ship dues, funding, donations, and Portrait America Photography. Treas- rector back in January. Burskey has
one of those members since 2010. fundraising. A golf outing in 2019 urer: Maria Rico with Lobo Tires. experience in digital media and so-
However, originally, he had no inten- brought in a large amount of funding Members: Amanda Dybus with cial media to help the organization
tions to join. for the Chamber. Wayne-Westland Schools, Magan deal with COVID and expand bene-
In 2010, the Wayne Chamber put Back in October 2020, the State Zuk with Advantage Living Center, fits to the members.
on a farmers market and Shelton of Michigan reopened, and the Daryan Edmonds with Clay Nissan A new website was created back
went to sign up, but he noticed they Wayne Chamber was able to host a State Farm Insurance, Sue Elliot in November:
needed help setting up the tents, ta- Back-To-Work event at the Phoenix with Storage Asset, and Chelsea If you are interested in getting in-
bles, and signs. So, he volunteered Theaters State Wayne. Around 40 Rushlow with Imperial Press. volved, becoming a member, or have
to help. Next thing he knew, the members showed up to the event. For a while there were no women any questions regarding the Cham-
Chamber President at the time was However, networking events are on the board, but as mentioned, ber, you can visit the website for an
recommending him for the board. harder to come by with COVID-19 things change. application or information, or call
Flash forward to 2012, and Shel- still lingering. Shelton has been look- In order to continue to adapt, the (734)721-0100.
The Wayne Dispatch · May 2021 · 11