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Vendor show planned in Veteran’s alley
By Sarah Shurge second annual vendor show in dor’s items will span from crafts
Purple and pink candles caught Wayne. Since Goudy Park has been made by hand to items sold from the
the attention of two specific pairs of under construction, the event will be businesses they work for.
eyes. Jennifer Bowers watched as held at a new location. Bowers has already had 20 ven-
her two granddaughters smelled The springtime vendor show will dors turn in their contracts for the
everything they could and pretended be held at Veterans Alley, behind the show which include: Scentsy, Color
to sell candles to each other at the Wayne Public Library on May 22nd Street, Tupperware, Pampered Chef,
make-believe store they created near from 11am-4pm. Toarmina’s Pizza, Great Lakes Con-
Bowers’ Scentsy vendor display. Come rain or shine - as last year's fession Mini Donuts, Motor City
Bowers has been a vendor for rainy vendor show proved - the show Meats with Real McCoy Southern
Scentsy for three years due to a deep will go on. Anyone and everyone is BBQ, many local craft vendors and
love for its products, but she claims welcome and encouraged to come more. She’s hoping to have about 30
it has been more difficult finding out and experience the show. vendors total.
events for vendors. She was sup- “I’m a little bummed that we had Bowers is also involved with the
posed to do an event in Flat Rock to switch spaces but I'm glad they city of Wayne Goodfellows as Vice
last year but it was cancelled due to are fixing Goudy because it needed President of the organization and
COVID-19. to be fixed. But I’m excited for the says Goodfellows will have a tent at
The cancellation gave her the idea new place. You can see it from Michi- the event where donations can be
to organize an event herself. Bowers gan Ave and from Wayne Road, so it's dropped off. The Wayne Goodfellows
went to the City of Wayne and got per- a great location,” said Bowers. provide support to less fortunate
mission to have a vendor show here. Precautions are being taken to families including food, toys, and
It was held on October 4th, at Goudy cope with COVID: masks are re- emergency assistance to the resi-
Park last year. Even though it was a quired, vendors will have sanitizers dents of Wayne.
rainy and cold day, a significant at their tables, and tables will be dis- A raffle will also take place dur-
amount of people still came out to tanced so people aren't gathering ing the show. Vendors will donate
the event and enjoyed themselves. Jennifer Bowers closely. certain items for the raffle. There
“It’s a way to bring something to over 20 years. The event will have a few food will be multiple baskets for people to
the city of Wayne again,” said Bowers, This year will be Bowers fourth trucks and many different vendors, win. Ticket prices for the raffle are
a resident of the city of Wayne for year organizing the vendors and the including some that are local. Ven- still to be determined.
8 · May 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch