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Experience the new immersive horror at Eloise Asylum

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         complex  and  was  used  for  Wayne
             Summer has ended and “spooky                                                                         County administration until it closed
          season” is upon us. It’s officially time                                                                in 2016. But its doors didn’t close of-
          for  cider  mills,  jack-o-lanterns,                                                                    ficially.  The  building  is  said  to  be
          pumpkin  spice,  scary  movies,  and                                                                    haunted and paranormal tours are
          most importantly, haunted houses.                                                                       offered throughout the year.
             Michigan gained a new haunted                                                                           One  of  the  other  buildings  still
          house this month as Eloise Asylum                                                                       standing on the property is the old
          opened a new walkthrough immer-                                                                         commissary,  which  is  currently
          sive horror experience on Friday, Oc-                                                                   being used as a shelter for families
          tober 1st.                                                                                              struggling with homelessness.
             Legendary  Detroit  rocker  and                                                                         Tickets for Eloise Asylum’s new
          horror enthusiast Alice Cooper was                                                                      haunted attraction start at $40 for
          in Westland on Thursday, September                                                                      two walk-through attractions and the
          23rd, to see Eloise Asylum’s haunted                                                                    VIP tickets cost $65 and will give you
          attractions for himself.                                                                                front of the line privileges. The new
             Hundreds  of  fans  stood  in  the                                                                   walk-through  horror  experience  is
          rain to witness and support Cooper                                                                      expected to last 35-40 minutes.
          as  he  attended  the  dedication  of                                                                      A portion of the proceeds from
          Alice Cooper Court, a stretch of road  Alice Cooper with Big Jim from Big Jim's house on WCSX' morning show with the  the  event  will  be  donated  to  the
          off Michigan Avenue located by the                                                                      homeless shelter on campus, so you
          former Eloise Psychiatric Hospital.   new Alice Cooper Court sign. Photo by WLND                        can scream for a good cause.
             Cooper - with his pocket knife in  as you walked past. Uniformed doc-  pital. At one point, the Eloise Hospi-  Eloise is located at 30712 Michi-
          his hand and his wife, Sheryl God-  tors and nurses attending to patients  tal, Infirmary, and Sanatorium was  gan Ave in Westland and is open se-
          dard next to him - also cut the rib-  with brutal mutilations and burns.  the largest psychiatric facility in the  lect nights from October 1st through
          bon to open the multi-million-dollar  Icicles  glimmered  on  the  silicone  United States, consisting of 78 build-  November 7th.
          haunted attraction.                molds of real feet in the freezer sec-  ings over 902 acres.            For more information or to buy
             This momentous occasion could   tion.                                The Kay Building is one of only  tickets,  visit  or
          not have happened without Owner       Every room had something new    five  structures  that  remain  of  the  call (618) 719-5615.
          and  Developer  John  Hambrick,    and exciting to look at and experi-
          Owner and Operator Matt Hertzog,   ence. There was so much that made
          and  the  two  operations  managers  me  stop  and  stare  in  amusement
          Jay Kays and Jim Werner.           and amazement. Everything was so
             The 30,000-square-foot state-of-  realistic and life-like that at times it
          the-art haunted experience includes  was hard to tell what patients were
          scare technology such as Cold Spark  props or real actors.
          Pyrotechnic  Stimulators,  a  Tesla   I tend to be a little desensitized to
          Coil, Advanced Projection Mapping  things sitting in chairs or crouching
          Technologies, and more.            in corners considering most of the
             Members of the media got a first  time  they  are  props.  So,  I  walked
          look of the immersive haunted expe-  into Eloise with the same mindset.
          rience on September 23rd. It was a  That  quickly  changed  when  doors
          cold  and  rainy  afternoon.  The  sky  would slam open or someone would
          was an eerie gray creating the perfect  jump out at me and I would yell out
          atmosphere for a sneak peek of high-  in fright. Kays laughed at me every
          tech horror.                       time I did.
             Kays led the tour I took part in.  The  tour  ended  after  we  saw
          As  someone  who  enjoys  scary    about one-third of Eloise Asylum’s
          movies and haunted houses, I was   new haunted attraction, but I wanted
          thrilled to get a preview of the trans-  to see more. Parts of the main floor
          formed Eloise Asylum.              and all of the basement will remain
             Throughout the tour, we walked  a mystery to me until I buy tickets
          past  cobweb  covered  couches  and  and return to see the rest.
          chairs facing an old TV playing noth-  Kays  explained  that  much  of
          ing but static noise. A dark room oc-  Eloise Asylum’s haunted attraction
          casionally lit up by the flashing lights  was designed to mimic the history
          of an electric chair. The glow from an  that happened in this historic build-
          old x-ray film reader box illuminated  ing.
          a wall full of patient files.         In 1839, the Kay Beard Building
             There were patients crying on the  started  as  a  poor  house  and  farm
          floor of showers, lurking in the shad-  house. It eventually was developed
          ows, or yelling and grabbing at you  into an asylum, sanitarium, and hos-

          16 · October 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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