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Knights celebrate 75 years serving Wayne

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                              along with it,” said Sposite.
             A lot can happen in 75 years. A lot of change                                                The Knights strive to be as involved in the com-
          and growth. Or a lot of stagnation and decline.                                              munity as much as they can. They partnered with
          When it comes to organizations, some don’t last                                              the City of Wayne Downtown Development Author-
          to see 75 years.                                                                             ity and have started events like Wayne’s Down-
             The Knights of Columbus Notre Dame Council                                                town  Days.  Along  with  their  annual  Time  to
          3021 have not only survived but thrived in the                                               Cleanup Peace Memorial Park, not to mention din-
          City of Wayne for the past 75 years.                                                         ner shows, Small Business Saturdays, and their
             “For any organization to last this long is a feat.                                        involvement with Wayne Main Street. As well as
          Especially with the changing demographics and                                                many other events like the Patriots Day Celebra-
          mindset of the community. 75 years and to still be                                           tion that just happened on September 11th.
          an all-male organization is a testament to what the                                             “A lot of people don't see them [the events] or
          Knights  stand  for,”  said  Paul  Sposite,  Grand                                           attend, but it's not always about the numbers. It's
          Knight of the Notre Dame Council.                                                            just about doing what's right and giving and pro-
              On February 6, 1882, the Knights of Colum-                                               viding a service to the community we serve,” said
          bus was founded by Father Michael J. McGivney,                                               Grand Knight Sposite.
          assistant  pastor  of  St.  Mary’s  Church  in  New                                             Throughout the Knights’ 75 years in Wayne,
          Haven.                                        Walter K. Winkle, Jr., State Deputy of Michigan State  they have switched locations four different times
             Thanks to Father McGivney and some of his  Council Knights of Columbus presents a 75th anniver-  but for the past 15 years, they have been located
          parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature of-                                          at the Notre Dame Hall on Wayne Road in down-
          ficially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fra-  sary plaque to Grand Knight Paul Sposite.  town Wayne.
          ternal benefit society on March 29, 1882.     charity, unity, and fraternity.                   The Knights had their 75th anniversary cele-
             It was originally founded as a paternal organi-  “It  builds  a  brotherhood.  You  really  build  a  bration  on  Sunday,  September  19th,  at  Notre
          zation to meet the needs of families suffering from  bond between the members and families,” said  Dame Hall in their new outdoor seating area.
          the death of a breadwinner. Since the day it was  Grand Knight Sposite.                         The celebration started with a dedication of the
          founded,  service  and  charity  have  been  at  the  Sposite has been active with the Knights for  hall and blessings of the memorial garden, fol-
          heart of the Knights.                         five years and enjoys reaching out to the commu-  lowed by a wine and cheese reception. The memo-
             Being a Knight now in the 21st century is a lot  nity and getting groups together.        rial garden is a place where members can buy
          different than it was back in the day, however, the  “I like the opportunity to get us together and  plagues to memorialize past members that have
          mission remains true to its founding principles of  have that comradery and fellowship that comes  passed away.

          18 · October 2021 · The Wayne Dispatch
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