Page 13 - Wayne Dispatch Pages
P. 13

The  Wayne  Public  Library  re-                                                                     tions accepted.
          ceived  over  $500  worth  of  new                                                                         Sept.  29  –  Witch  Hat  Making
          workforce  development  books.                                                                          Workshop
          Funding came from the Institute of                                                                         6:30  p.m.  –  Make  two  fun
          Museum and Library Services. If you                                                                     witches hats for the upcoming Hal-
          are looking for a new job or want to                                                                    loween season. Kid friendly fun,$20
          improve your work skills, visit the li-                                                                 per person, tickets available online.
          brary  to  see  if  any  of  these  new                                                                    Oct. 3 – Annual Cemetery Walk
          books can help in your development.                                                                        1-3 p.m. – This year’s cemetery
                                                                                                                  walk will be at St. Mary’s cemetery
             Members  of  Wayne  Westland                                                                         and will highlight several local fami-
          Federal Credit Union can now re-                                                                        lies and figures. Donations accepted.
          ceive  a  free  credit  report  on  the                                                                    Oct. 14 – Norwayne History
          last  Friday  of  every  month.  Visit                                                                     7 p.m. – Come learn about the
          with member representatives in the                                                                      large housing complex built for war
          lobby for all the details.                                                                              workers during WW2 just north of
             Wayne  Police  Lt.  Carter  was                                                                         Oct. 16 – Witches Brew Tea
          honored recently by Growth Works                                                                           2 p.m. – Join the Society at the
          Inc,  a  social  service  agency  that                                                                  museum  for  a  haunted  tea  party
          provides a variety of assistance to                                                                     where you will meet several Wayne
          young people and families in the                                                                        characters in a spooky setting. Tick-
          area. The police department reports                                                                     ets  must  be  purchased  ahead  of
          that “Lt. Carter was honored for his                                                                    time. Tickets are $40.
          tireless  commitment  to  helping  The Wayne Ripple Effect (formerly known as Wayne Main Street) has an-   Oct. 21 – History of Michigan Av-
          young people in our area. On hand                                                                       enue
          from  Growth  Works  to  present  Lt.  nounced the 2021 Scarecrow Show and Contest. Individuals and groups are in-  7 p.m. – At the Wayne Public Li-
          Carter  with  his  award  was  Sarah  vited to purchase a premade frame upon which to build a scarecrow. Scarecrows  brary, Jon Milan and Gail Offen will
          Parker (Client Management Services  will be displayed in downtown Wayne during the month of October. You will need to  be  presenting  about  the  history  of
          and  Youth  Advisory  Council)  and  register online through Eventbrite. The link can be found at  this  long-traveled  road  that  runs
          Antwon  Jackson  (Youth  Advisory                                                                       across the state.
          Council).   Congratulations,   Lt.  Pre-purchased frames ($30) can be picked up at Kurt’s Caps during business hours.
          Carter! We all greatly appreciate your  Kurt’s Caps will not be accepting registration forms or payments. Payment must be  Oct. 23 – Ghost Hunt at the Mu-
          commitment to the young people in  made through the link. If you wish to use your frame from a  seum
          our community.”                    prior year, the entry cost is reduced to $20. There are size and weight restrictions  Ghost hunters as they hunt for para-
                                                                                                                     8-11:45 p.m. – Join Great Lakes
             The Parks and Trails Commit-    that must be adhered to this year. For more information, visit  normal activity in the 140-year old
          tee will be spearheading a clean-up                                                                     museum  building.  1  hour  spot  is
          event at Goudy Park on Saturday,   items to sell. Come see all they have  ciety  to  help  keep  Wayne’s  history  $20.
          October  9,  from  8:30  a.m.  until  to offer.                       alive for future generations. Dues are  Nov. 10 – Wayne History Trivia
          Noon.  Volunteers  are  needed  to                                    $15 yearly or you can obtain a life-  Night
          help. The Parks and Trails commit-    Thursday,  September  30,  and  time membership for $150.            7 p.m. – At Knights of Columbus
          tee would appreciate it as the more  Friday, October 1: 9 a.m.-5p.m.                                    Hall, join the Society at the Knights
          who help, the less time it will take.  Saturday, October 2: 9:00 a.m.-  The  Wayne  Historical  Society  Hall on Wayne Road for a night of
          The  DPW  (Dept.  of  Public  Works)  Noon                            has some great presentations and  Wayne history trivia. Doors open at
          will  be  providing  yard  waste  bags  Law enforcement officers, fire-  events coming up for the remain-  6 p.m. $5/person to play, food and
          and other supplies. Volunteers are  fighters and emergency personnel  der of 2021. Be sure to check some,  drinks will be available for purchase,
          asked to bring work gloves, rakes,  from the cities of Wayne, Westland  or all, of them out!            prizes   awarded    to    winning
          weeding  and  pruning  implements  and Inkster will be recognized for   Sept. 9 – 102nd Colored Troops  teams/people. Show your Wayne his-
          and anything else that might help.  their faithful commitment and self-  Reenactment Group              tory Knowledge!
                                             sacrifice  at  St.  Mary’s  Catholic  7 p.m. – Learn about how African  Dec. 5 – Holiday Night at the Mu-
             HUGE  RUMMAGE  SALE!  The       Church’s annual Blue Mass on Sun-  American Troops contributed to the  seum
          First  Congregational  Church  of  day, September 12, at 11:30 a.m.   Civil War and what life was like for  5:30–9 p.m. – Come out and see
          Wayne, #2 Towne Square, (next to   These  first  responders  provide  them, both on the battlefield and the  Santa, get cookies and hot chocolate,
          McDonald’s) is having a huge rum-  heroic service to us day in and day  home front.                     and join in the Christmas cheer as
          mage  sale  Thursday,  September   out. Come honor and support them     Sept.  26  –  Special  Cemetery  the town Christmas tree is lit.
          30, through Saturday, October 2.   at  St.  Mary’s  Catholic  Church,  Walk – Ganong Cemetery
          The  church  has  not  been  able  to  34530 W. Michigan Avenue in Wayne.  1-3 p.m. –  Join the Society for a  *Events  are  at  the  museum,  1
          hold  their  twice-yearly  rummage                                    special Cemetery Walk with Westland  Towne Square, Wayne, MI unless oth-
          sales for two years due to the COVID  Want or need to broaden your    Historical Society at Ganong Ceme-  erwise noted*
          pandemic.  During  that  time,  they  knowledge of Wayne’s amazing his-  tery, 3036 Henry Ruff Rd.  Several
          have collected a vast assortment of  tory? Join the Wayne Historical So-  figures  will  be  highlighted.  Dona-       See Briefs, page 15
                                                                                                             The Wayne Dispatch · September 2021 · 13
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