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HEALTH, Continued from page 8
investing $75 million over the last
few years, and the board of trustees.
Briefs, Continued from page 13 Notre Dame Council #3021 will out fast. The general public is wel- “This center is a true reflection of
be celebrating their 75th anniver- come to jump aboard the bus on this one of those efforts where the state,
A witch hat is a perfect style ac- sary this year. You are invited to family-friendly event. the county, and the city leaders came
cessory for the month of October. share in the celebration on Sunday, together, working with us to help
Plan to attend the Witch Hat Work- September 19, at an Open House The all-inclusive bus trip from meet the needs of this community,”
shop on Wednesday, September from 4-6 p.m. The Council will be Notre Dame Hall in Wayne to said George.
29, at 6:30 p.m. The cost for this dedicating their Memorial Garden Frankenmuth Michigan for a Sun- Mayor Wild stated that a lot of
museum fundraiser is $20 per per- and Hall followed by a Wine and day to Monday overnight stay. The nurses from Westland have been
son. The event will be at the Wayne Cheese Reception. This event is open trip includes stops at Birch Run, hired to work at the new clinic.
Historical Museum. Attendees will to the public, but you are asked to Bronners, and a world-famous “Garden City believes that the
make two witch hats to take home please RSVP so they can get an idea Chicken Dinner, along with accom- best hospitals are the community
and enjoy. All supplies, starter hats, of the number of people they must modation in Downtown Franken- hospitals that treat you and treat
ribbons and attachments will be sup- prepare for. You can call 734-721- muth. Space is limited to 54 people, your neighbor like treating their own
plied. If you would like to bring your 6911 to RSVP. as of June 2021, this trip is 1/2 sold family,” said Osama Siblani, Garden
own pieces for a specific “style,” you out. The General Public is welcome City Hospital board chairman and
are encouraged to do so. This event Have you been thinking of the to join us, this is a family-friendly Arab American News publisher.
is for both adults and children. Al- world-class chicken dinners that event. The cost is $185 per person. The center offers a spacious,
though this is a make-your-own are served in Frankenmuth and open floor plan emergency room
class, there will be guidance avail- wondering when you will be able Do you remember back to the with 12 private rooms, two state of
able. Cider and donuts will be to delight in one again? Wait no days when the radio was your the art trauma bays, CT, digital x-
served. more! The Notre Dame Council main source of information? Do rays, and a full-service lab.
#3021 has planned a Frankenmuth you remember when martians were “Providing quality care for the
Wayne Rotary sponsors neigh- Bus Trip for October 10-11. The all- landing? Whether your answers were community of Westland is our prom-
borhood Picnics in Rotary Parks! inclusive bus trip includes stops at yes or no, you can see what all the ise to you and that’s what we are
This year's picnics will occur on Sep- Birch Run, Bronners and one of thrills were about at “War of the here celebrating today. We are
tember 15 (Rotary Park 1- 4900 - those delicious chicken dinners Worlds-Radio Play” that will be re-en- thrilled to be here to open our West-
5298 Hunt St.) and September 23 along with accommodations in down- acted at Notre Dame Council, 3144 land Community Health Center and
(Rotary Park 2- 35031 Richard St.). town Frankenmuth. Space is limited S. Wayne Rd on Saturday, October its state-of-the-art emergency room,”
Picnics will be 6-7 p.m. to 54 people and the trip is selling 16 at 5:30 p.m. said George.
The Wayne Dispatch · September 2021 · 15