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You can recycle your metal here in Wayne

          By Carolyn Marnon                                                                                       bucks. Neidert claimed that some of
             What  do  you  do  when  your                                                                        those scrap metal men you rely on
          washer and/or dryer have run their                                                                      make more recycling metal than they
          final cycles and kerplunked on you?                                                                     do in their monthly pension checks.
          Do you drag them to the curb in the                                                                        Back  in  the  early  1950s,  Nate
          hopes  that  a  metal  scrapper  will                                                                   Weiser  opened  his  metal  recycling
          come by soon and get rid of this now                                                                    business  in  a  location  behind  the
          outdoor eyesore?  Does the curb also                                                                    Ford  Plant.  Nate  Weiser  also  hap-
          see the demise of some metal fencing                                                                    pens to be the gentleman who is con-
          scraps, perhaps an old vacuum or                                                                        nected  to  the  beginnings  of  the
          just bits and pieces of junk when you                                                                   dictionary  program  the  Wayne  Ro-
          are cleaning out the garage?                                                                            tary Club continues to this day. Nate
             The scrap metal man gets excited                                                                     died several years ago.
          when he sees this metal at the curb.                                                                       “It’s  a  real  dirty  kind  of  thing
          It means he will soon be putting dol-                                                                   when you’re digging for scrap metal,”
          lars in his pockets. Did you know                                                                       said  Neidert.  He  gave  away  key-
          that those dollars could actually go                                                                    chains with magnets that detect met-
          inside your pockets?                                                                                    als, magnetic flashlights, pens and
             Jim Neidert, General Manager of                                                                      first  aid  kits  “in  case  you  get  cut
          Weiser Recycling in Wayne recently                                                                      scrapping.”
          gave a presentation at the Wayne His-                                                                      If  you  decide  to  try  scrapping
          torical Museum to encourage more                                                                        your own metal, it’s good to know
          people to recycle all of their house-                                                                   that all you have to do is bring the
          hold  metals,  including  old  grills,                                                                  metal  to  Weiser  Recycling  (35900
          rusty  shelving,  mismatched  tools                                                                     Clinton St, Wayne). The employees
          and other items you don’t know what                                                                     there will sort it and send it to be
          to do with. While cleaning out this                                                                     melted.  You don’t even have to sepa-
          old stuff and making space in your
          home,  you  can  also  make  a  few  Jim Neidert (right) answers questions from an attendee after the program.    See RECYCLE, page 18

                                                                                                                   The Wayne Dispatch · April 2022 · 5
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