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Communities refuse to pay Highland Park’s water debt

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         were going.
             $54 million dollars! That is what                                                                        “The minute we go out and turn
          the City of Wayne community along                                                                       water valves, it makes those homes
          with 87 others is paying in accumu-                                                                     uninhabitable. There are 9,000 peo-
          lated debt for a project repair that                                                                    ple in the City of Highland Park. In-
          was  supposed  to  be  completed  in                                                                    dividual  people.  Most  of  those
          three to four days, but never was ten                                                                   households  are  paying  their  water
          years later.                                                                                            bills to the city. So we’re not going to
             In 2012, the State of Michigan re-                                                                   create a public health crisis over two
          quested the then Detroit Water and                                                                      governmental  entities  having  a
          Sewerage  Department  (DWSD)  to                                                                        charge dispute,” said Coffey.  Coffey
          provide short-term emergency water                                                                      explained  GLWA  knows  what  their
          services to Highland Park after the                                                                     charges to Highland Park are, and
          State  of  Michigan  determined  the                                                                    what Highland Park is paying them.
          city’s water treatment plant was cre-                                                                   However,  what  Highland  Park  is
          ating a public health risk to its resi-                                                                 charging their residents, GLWA does
          dents and was in need of repairs. On                                                                    not  know.  “That  certainly  is  some-
          November 12, 2012, the repairs to  The Conference of Western Wayne, representing 18 communities, had their regularly  thing from a legal perspective that we
          the  plant  were  to  be  completed  scheduled meeting in the City of Wayne last month, where they passed a resolution  are wondering: why is it that we are
          within  three  to  four  days  per  the                                                                 not receiving what we are owed for
          State  of  Michigan,  but  that  never  to not pay anymore of Highland Park’s debt to the Great Lakes Water Authority.  that portion of the charges,” said Cof-
          happened.  Instead,  an  emergency  the State of Michigan to reimburse  million dollar debt and 73% of the  fey.
          order was put into place to provide  the communities for the almost $14  debt  allocated  to  Wayne  County,”  Highland  Park  has  a  history  of
          water  services  to  Highland  Park  million that has been paid towards  said Sellek..                  paying less than they are supposed
          through  the  regional  system.  That  this debt.                       There was also a mention of re-  to, and GLWA has tried to take legal
          was nearly ten years ago.             The CWW Board also called on    fusing  water  services  to  Highland  action against Highland Park multi-
             Since  2012,  Highland  Park  has  the State of Michigan to create a sys-  Park brought up at the CWW meeting  ple times before.
          paid less than 1% of its water service  tem where this situation of debt and  along  with  questions  about  where
          charges, 50% of its sewer charges,  communities being charged the debt  Highland Park’s resident’s payments             See Debt, page 17
          and has accumulated 54 million dol-  cannot happen again in the future.
          lars in debt for both water and sewer  “We  support  healthy  communi-
          services.                          ties.  We  want  you  to  thrive.  So  if
             Highland Park’s debt has been al-  there is a community that is in dis-
          located to the 87 Great Lakes Water  tress  and  it  needs  us  to  provide
          Authority member communities in-   water for three or four days, that's
          cluding the 18 communities in West-  not  a  problem.  This  is  what  we
          ern-Wayne County or approximately  would  do  for  each  other,”  said
          730,000 customers.  On March 11,   Suzanne Coffey, GLWA Interim Chief
          2022,  City  of  Wayne  Mayor,  John  Executive Officer. “But the fact that
          Rheasa, who is currently serving as  the resolution wasn't going to be ex-
          the chair of the Conference of West-  peditiously enacted, after those three
          ern-Wayne (CWW), and hosted the 18  or four days, that's where it became
          CWW communities where this issue   very problematic. There should have
          was discussed at great length with  been,  in  that  moment  and  time,  a
          representatives from the GLWA in at-  much bigger discussion about what
          tendance.  Members  of  the  CWW   was going to happen going forward.”
          voiced their opposition over the cur-  “For  the  conference  of  Western-
          rent  situation  with  Highland  Park  Wayne’s  portion,  up  through  June
          and  impressed  upon  the  GLWA  to  1st  of  this  year,  we  will  have  paid
          find a better solution and also return  14.6 million dollars,” Jordyn Sellek,
          the money back to the communities.  CWW  Executive  Director.  “This  is
          Speaking as one unified voice, the  27% of the entire total of the 54 mil-
          CWW Board voted in favor of the fol-  lion dollar debt.”
          lowing: the State of Michigan and the  Sellek explained that 19.8 million
          GLWA not to require the 87 member  dollars were allocated to all of Wayne
          communities  to  pay  for  Highland  County and the CWW is paying for
          Park’s debt to GLWA; the CCW com-  73% of the debt allocated to Wayne
          munities will not pay anymore to the  County.
          debt; the State to become involved in  “By the end of next year if things
          resolving this dispute; the State to  go forward as they are currently, we
          develop  a  long-term  infrastructure  [CWW] will have paid 16.4 million
          solution  to  address  the  water  and  dollars. And those percentages still
          sewer issues in Highland Park; and  stay the same: 27% of the entire 61
          8 · April 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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