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HOT DOG, Continued from page 11 “My favorite part is definitely Fat Man Nok’s hours are 11 a.m. Development Authority asked Scott
the people. Seeing people – 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. to bring Fat Man Nok’s to the Makers
each other. Just a ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ in “It's a perfect match. People come Market in Downtown Wayne.
passing. Then one day he mentioned enjoy my food and seeing inside to get their drink or ice cream “People tip well. It’s just the com-
my tow trucks and said he needed a people bring other people. and then go outside for a hot dog,” munity taking care of the commu-
favor. He offered to pay, but I said I’d said Joey. “It’s walking distance for nity,” said Scott.
do it just because he was my neigh- It's genuine. the majority of the people in the Scott also takes pride in taking
bor and it was the neighborly thing You don't go to a restaurant, neighborhood so they don’t even care of the community. Kids and the
to do,” said Frazier. “That was some- need to drive. It’s a one stop shop.” homeless get a free hot dog.
body's dream and I would rather eat a bad burger and bring Scott originally opened his cart in Scott plans to keep his cart open
help someone out with their dream, someone back and say ‘come August 2021 and ran it through De- for the season as long as weather
instead of saying ‘nope’ and walking cember 2021. Mid-April this year is permits, which usually is until the
the other way.” eat this bad burger.’” when he opened the stand back up beginning of December. He has a
Frazier and Scott talked during and he claims business has in- food truck in the works to hopefully
the trip and quickly became friends. Lorence Scott II creased over the season. be ready by football season, so he
When they got to Ohio, Scott looked When asked what the best and can be serving food all year long, and
over the cart and bought the whole “People think when you own your worst part of running the business he is looking into having more loca-
business, aside from the name. own business that it's gonna be eas- was, Scott ironically gave the same tions for the cart in the future. He
And thus, Fat Man Nok’s Hot ier. It's not. It's harder. You have to answer: the people. plans to keep building and growing
Dogs and Smoked Sausages was cre- put more hours in and be dedi- “My favorite part is definitely the his brand so he can leave something
ated. cated,” said Scott. people. Seeing people enjoy my food behind when he’s gone.
“I always get asked about the Every morning, Scott wakes up and seeing people bring other people. “I’m going to keep manifesting
name. People comment that I’m not and starts his food prep. Then he It's genuine. You don't go to a restau- this vision and serving the commu-
fat, or why is my design fat, and I say drives to the lot next to West Town rant, eat a bad burger and bring nity,” said Scott.
‘invite me over for dinner and you’ll Market and has his cart set up by someone back and say ‘come eat this For more information about Fat
find out real quick.’ It's an appetite 10:30 a.m. He begins serving cus- bad burger,’” said Scott. “But you Man Nok’s, you can find them on
thing, it's fun for people to say, and tomers by 11 a.m. and stays out can't satisfy everyone. No matter if Facebook by searching Fat Man
it’s memorable,” said Scott. until 6 or 7 o’clock. it’s good or bad, I deal with it. I treat Nok’s, or on Instagram at @fatman-
Scott designed his logo with the The menu offers: polish sausage, everyone the same.” noks, or call (734)205-2040. Nok’s
inspiration of the “Big Boy” statue in hot polish sausage, hot dog, coney Through networking, and as Food Truck also has a Facebook
mind. He designed himself standing dog, coney loose burger, pickled red word is spreading, more and more page where updates on the progress
holding a plate of hot dogs with a red hot snack sausage, and pulled pork people are learning about Fat Man of the truck are posted. You can find
and white canopy in the background. sandwich. Nok’s. The City of Wayne-Downtown it on Facebook by searching Nok’s.
14 · August 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch