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Fat Man Nok’s  serving the community

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                         and  how  everyone  loved  them.  He
             Life is full of inspiration. Small                                                                   thought of how he used to come to
          everyday things can influence your                                                                      the different Coney Islands in Wayne
          future without you even realizing it.                                                                   even before he moved here almost
          The  smell  of  hot  dogs  when  you                                                                    four years ago. He thought of how
          walked into Home Depot. The “Big                                                                        hot dogs are his favorite on-the-go
          Boy” statue outside of Big Boy wear-                                                                    food.  With  all  of  this,  he  came  up
          ing  his  retro  red  and  white  sus-                                                                  with his idea.
          penders hoisting up a plate with a                                                                         With every great idea, it needs a
          burger.                                                                                                 great location.
             These might seem like insignifi-                                                                        Scott  did  research  around  the
          cant things, but to some people, they                                                                   community for where people walked,
          are  inspiration.  Some  people  like                                                                   traveled, or drove past for work. He
          Lorence Scott II, who was inspired to                                                                   lives  a  few  blocks  away  from  the
          start his own food cart business, Fat                                                                   West Town Market on the corner of
          Man Nok’s.                                                                                              Howe Rd. and Forrest St., and this
             For  six  years,  Scott  worked  at                                                                  gave him the idea about the location.
          Home City Ice in Romulus. He was                                                                           Scott  presented  his  idea  to  the
          working nine to 12 hour shifts a day,                                                                   owners of West Town Market, father
          six days a week. He was tired. Tired                                                                    and son, Gus Faraj and Joey Faraj.
          from the long hours and tired of not                                                                    Their full support was Scott’s green
          being able to see his three daughters                                                                   light to move forward with his busi-
          and his long-term girlfriend.                                                                           ness.
             While life is full of inspiration, it                                                                   “He  is  from  the  neighborhood,
          is also full of life-defining moments.                                                                  he's a great guy, and customers really
          Moments that make you take a good                                                                       appreciate having food. I thought it
          long hard look at your life. Moments                                                                    would be a great idea for the neigh-
          like when Scott got injured on the                                                                      borhood,” said Joey.
          job.                                                                Lorence Scott II, owner of Fat Man Nok’s.  Scott had the idea, he had the lo-
                                                                                  He informed his employers that  cation, now he just needed the sup-
                                                                                he was not sure if he could return to  plies.
                                                                                working the third shift, but in his ab-  Life  is  full  of  inspiration,  life-
                                                                                sence, they shut the third shift down.  defining moments, and life is full of
                                                                                After putting in so much time, work,  the right people you need at the right
                                                                                and effort into his job, Scott felt re-  time.
                                                                                placeable. So, he decided to start a  Scott moved to Wayne nearly four
                                                                                business by himself.              years ago and one of his neighbors
                                                                                  In order to start something, you  happens to be Jeff Frazier. Frazier
                                                                                need to have an idea.             owns Frazier’s Auto Service Towing.
                                                                                  “About a year and a half ago I de-  When Scott mentioned his business
                                                                                cided I wanted to do something with  idea, Frazier offered to drive Scott
                                                                                food,” said Scott. “I wanted to pro-  six hours round trip to Canton, Ohio
                                                                                vide something quick and easy for  to purchase the food cart he needed.
                                                                                customers that they would enjoy.”    “At  first  we  didn't  really  know
                                                                                  Scott  thought  back  to  when
                                                                                Home Depot used to sell hot dogs              See Hot Dog, page 14

                                                                                                                The Wayne Dispatch · August 2022 · 11
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