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Local author appearing at Wayne and its neighboring communi-
Books on the Avenue ties of Westland and Inkster.
There will be a Mass on Sunday,
Jamie Samland, Wayne Memorial September 11, 2022, at 11:30 a.m.
High School Class of 2000 alumnus, followed by a reception at St. Mary
will be celebrating the release of his Catholic Church, 34530 Michigan
4th book “Ooo Shiny” with a book Ave, Wayne. For more information,
signing on Friday, August 26, from 4- call the church at (734) 721-8745.
6:00 p.m. at Books on the Avenue,
35622 W. Michigan Ave, Wayne. This
book as well as his others will be WWCS still has
available for purchase. literacy on the road
From the author’s website, the Each year hundreds of young
book “Ooo Shiny” is described: “The children disconnect in the summer,
dark lord’s call pulls the exalted king making it much harder in the fall to
from his eternal slumber, but he’s succeed academically. As a result,
trapped behind a stone wall. A cen- Wayne-Westland Community Schools
tipede calls out for help, but what if have loaded up the buses to bring
it’s a hyper-advanced AI from the fu- BUSting with Learning. This initia-
ture? An assassin uses everyday ob- tive aims to provide free literacy re-
jects in his craft and grooves to sources to kindergarten through
1990s top 40 hits. What if Ivan the third-grade students in the commu-
Terrible’s Golden Library were hid- nity.
den under the Red Square Krispy “Literacy is the catalyst for all
Kreme? Cannibal ghosts drive you learning. This important initiative
into an eating frenzy. helps reinforce literacy in the next
“Ooo Shiny! is a series of absurd generation and bridge early literacy
stories from a mind that can’t focus. gaps,” said Wayne-Westland Commu-
Sometimes rambling nonsense that nity Schools Superintendent John
aims to make you smirk or your eyes Dignan.
roll, even the most black-hearted, hu- Throughout the summer, buses
morless souls will find at least one will visit elementary schools in the
chuckle in this collection. Grab a district. Students and families can
stick of unicorn jerky and respawn pick up books, school supplies and
into the dungeon next to the D.E.D. materials while having a little fun
sorority mixer! …um… read this with games and activities.
book!” Buses will also be cruising
through the community, passing out
St. Mary Catholic books to children in the neighbor-
hoods. To learn where BUSting with
Church to celebrate Learning is stopping next, visit
first responders BUSting with
Please join St. Mary’s Catholic Learning stops are occurring
Church as it says ‘thank you’ and through August 17.
honors the dedicated service of po-
lice, fire and first responders in See Briefs, page 15
6 · August 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch