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Hype renames Rec building to honor former mayor
By Sarah Shurge He deserved it,” said Sayed.
HYPE Athletics Center in Wayne has under- On Friday, November 11th, a ceremony was
gone many changes and updates over the last year held at HYPE Athletics to honor Haidous with the
and a half. Wayne residents and members will name change of the building.
now notice the latest change; a new name, as a “Everybody there sincerely loves this man.
tribute and recognition to former Mayor Abdul “Al” Everybody there was a true friend of this man.
Haidous’ 40 plus years of work and dedication to There is not a single person there that even asked
the City of Wayne. me “Why Al?” No one questioned it. Everyone was
“I’m honored. I can’t tell you how much I'm extremely happy,” said Sayed. “It was very emo-
thankful to the people of Wayne. It’s where my tional and touching. Everyone was overwhelm-
story starts.” said Abdul “Al” Haidous, Wayne ingly happy for this man.”
County Commissioner and Chairman of Board for The celebration was accompanied by family,
Airport Authority. “I really feel I could not be suc- friends, elected officials that represent the com-
cessful in my career as a public servant without munities Haidous serves, and so many more.
my support from the community in Wayne.” Commissioner Al Haidous and his family, along with Guest speakers included: Professor Tallal Turfe,
Haidous moved to the City of Wayne in 1974 Wayne County Commissioner Warren Evans, unveil the Crestwood School Board Member Hassan Bey-
after he sold his restaurant in Monroe. He then doun, Minister Troy Mohammad, and CEO of
opened Al’s Market at the corner of Howe Rd. and new signage at Hype Recreation Center. Wayne County Warren Evans.
Annapolis St. After being elected County Commissioner, “I was honored to see them name it, but I ac-
“My journey began when I moved to Wayne. I Haidous stated he told the current Mayor of cept it on behalf of all the mayors before me and
found myself in the middle of a family-friendly Wayne “whatever you do, don’t close the commu- the citizens of Wayne, because without them I
community.” said Haidous. “Everyone showed nity center.” Haidous then continued to do what wouldn’t have earned that honor,” said Haidous.
love, support, and trust. The whole community he could to keep the center open. “They say ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ It took
became like family to me and I treated them like “Personally, I witnessed from 2014 his inten- the City of Wayne to raise a public servant like Al
my own family. It's what made me who I am today.” tions on making sure the community center does- Haidous.”
Right from the start, Haidous had a passion n't close,” said Ali Sayed, Founder and CEO of Serving the people has always been Haidous’
for the community of Wayne. He joined several HYPE Athletics. “He fought tooth and nail to make main priority.
community activists to construct a new commu- sure it didn't close down.” “Whatever I do, I ask the question ‘is that good
nity center. With support from residents and city In 2014, Haidous was invited to a HYPE event for the people I represent?’ If the answer is yes,
officials, the Wayne Community Center was built. and was impressed with how things were run. He then I’m gonna do it,” said Haidous.
Haidous personally worked and advocated to invited Sayed to the Wayne Community Center For years HYPE has been bringing the commu-
expand the center with racquetball courts and and asked if a deal could be made to keep the cen- nity positive and productive programs that have
banquet facilities, then the ice rink and aquatics ter’s doors open. been changing people’s lives. HYPE Athletics is a
center. HYPE began leasing the building in August non-profit organization that focuses on providing
“The building is set in the center of 70% of the 2015. In August 2020, Sayed began the discus- communities with drug-free, violent-free, and di-
population. It’s a beautiful building and provides sion of purchasing the building from the city. The verse athletic events and programs for kids and
good services, but it was too much for the budget sale went through mid-July 2021. adults.
in the city,” said Haidous. “I feel like Al really is a champion for the City Many updates and improvements have been
Haidous served on the Wayne City Council and of Wayne. He’ll do anything in his power to make made to the building since HYPE took over. The
was elected Mayor in 2001 and served until 2014. sure those residents have the best quality serv- aquatic center has been closed and a new fitness
During his time as mayor, there were lots of rec- ices,” said Sayed. center is opened. The banquet facilities have been
ommendations to close the center. Haidous didn’t A year and a half ago Sayed presented the idea upgraded, along with the cafe being renovated.
agree. to the board to change the name of the building. The parking lot was redone during the summer
“When you look at it from an economic view- “Al played a vital role for the City of Wayne in and hundreds of new members are signing up.
point, a boarded building doesn't look good in a providing the most heartfelt and sincere services For more information about HYPE, visit hy-
family-friendly neighborhood,” said Haidous. for the city. He has this passion for the community. or call (734)721-7400.
10 · December 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch