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Send letters to Santa at the Wayne Public Library

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                              ornament home or leave it to help decorate the li-
             A library is a place for creativity, imagination,                                         brary.
          and  most  importantly,  reading.  December  is  a                                              On  Thursday,  December  8th,  at  6:30  p.m.,
          time when little ones write their letters to Santa                                           there will be a teen luminary craft event. Teens
          in hopes he reads what they have to say.                                                     will be making their own illuminated winter won-
             Santa’s mailbox has been set up at the Wayne                                              derland scene with a mason jar and craft materi-
          Public  Library  since  Tuesday,  November  29th.                                            als.
          This is a mailbox for any children who would like                                               On Saturday, December 10th, from 3:30-4:30
          to send a letter to Santa.                                                                   p.m., there will be winter button making. Kids of
             The library has a template letter that kids can                                           all  ages  can  design,  color,  and  customize  their
          fill out with suggestions of what they want to tell                                          own button.
          Santa. The template has space for older kids to                                                 Last month, the library hosted the Veterans
          tell Santa about good things they have done this                                             display  throughout  the  month  of  November  to
          year, along with things they are hoping to receive.                                          honor  the  local  veterans.  “We  had  pictures  up
          There is also space for little kids to draw Santa a                                          from last year and new submissions as well. Lots
          picture.                                                                                     of people came in to look at photos,” said Wolak.
             Kids can drop their letter in the mailbox, and                                            “The display not only recognized our veterans, but
          with their grown-up’s approval, they can add their                                           brought some new people into the library and in-
          address on the letter, and Santa may write back!                                             troduced them to what we have to offer here.”
             The mailbox is placed in the library lobby. It is                                            The library is open Monday through Thursday
          big, red, and has sparkly lights on it so you can’t                                          from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday
          miss it. Template letters are in the kid’s area near                                         from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. It’s closed on Sunday.
          the mailbox.                                   Buddy Elf mails his letter to Santa at the Wayne Public  “We are always open to suggestions from the
             The mailbox will be up until December 23rd.  Library.                                     community about events and displays the library
             This is the first year the Wayne Public Library  The library also has its winter program sched-  can do. Please continue to let us know. That's how
          has hosted Santa’s mailbox.                   uled for the first week in December. Monday, De-  we continue to offer things that benefit the com-
             “I’m excited to be able to be part of it this year,”  cember 5th through Saturday the 10th, there will  munity,” said  Wolak. For more information about
          said Jody Wolak, Wayne Public Library director.  be drop-in ornament crafting during hours of op-  the Wayne Public Library, visit or
          “It’s something fun to get into the holiday spirit  eration. Kids of all ages are welcomed to come  email  or  call  (734)721-
          and encourages creativity and imagination.”   and make an ornament. They can either take their  7832.

                                                                                                              The Wayne Dispatch · December 2022 · 11
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