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P. 6
Learn about the to Lauren Perry and Jodi Berry, the
life of Henry Ford co-directors, at WayneMI@Distin-
Mike Skinner of
Distinguished Young Women of
the Ford Piquette Western Wayne County is part of a
Plant museum will national program that empowers
be at the Wayne His- young women to reach their full po-
torical Museum, 1 tential by providing scholarships, life
Towne Square, on skills workshops (like interview),
Thursday, February and a positive peer network.
10, at 7 p.m. to give
a lecture on the life of Henry Ford.
All are invited to attend. Learn about
recycling metal
Jim Neidert from Weiser Recy-
Girls from the class cling of Wayne will give a talk on
of 2023 wanted! Thursday, March 10, at 7 p.m. about
The co-directors of the Distin- environmental metal recycling. He
guished Young Women of Wayne hopes to encourage more people to
County are inviting any high school recycle all household metals, such as
junior girls from the Class of 2023 old grills, rusty shelving, mis-
who live in Wayne County to register matched tools or other items you're
to participate in the next Distin- not sure what to do with. Make some
guished Young Women Scholarship space in your garage or closet, and
Program which will be held Friday, maybe make a few bucks too. Mr.
March 25, at John Glenn High Neidert will bring some samples
School. An orientation event (via along and answer any questions he
Zoom) will be held on Monday, Feb- can. This event will be held at the
ruary 7, at 7 p.m. If unable to attend Wayne Historical Museum, 1 Towne
the orientation, please send an email Square. All are invited.
6 · February 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch