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Periodicals room dedicated to Ed Marman
By Carolyn Marnon of the library that “It was like the
Back on the day the newly built child he never had.” She closed out
Wayne Public Library was dedicated her remarks with “He’s looking
in 1996, Edward C. Philips, then- down from his big comfy reading
Mayor Pro Tem, declared “You might chair and smiling at us.”
recognize Ed walking around here Lois Van Stipdonk, President of
since May 20th. Every day his smile the Wayne Library Board and former
gets bigger.” He jokingly told those Library Director spoke of how Ed
gathered that Ed Marman was going Marman and Tom Kelly were the
to be hired as a tour guide to stand movers and shakers to get the new
at the library door and make sure Wayne library going. She also shared
things “go as they should.” “Ed truly how Ed had been instrumental in
has been a driving force to make getting the library millage passed a
sure the citizens of Wayne have a few years ago and how unfortunate it
new library,” he concluded. was that he died just before its pass-
On February 1, the periodical ing.
reading room was dedicated in mem- Nancy Chiasson lamented “I was
ory of former Library Board Presi- sad he didn’t get to see it (the mill-
dent Ed Marman who had worked age) come to fruition.”
tirelessly to get the library built. Ed, Patrick Kelly, son of Tom and
a former teacher and middle school magazines and newspapers on one many things, a world traveler, a very Bridget Kelly, unveiled the plaque lo-
librarian who loved reading, music, side and used books for sale on the cultured man” who also loved classi- cated on the side of the fireplace.
photography, travel and all things other side, to remember Ed’s dedica- cal music and was a fastidious Eng- The dedication plaque celebrates
Irish, died in 2018. tion to the library. lish teacher. “He had an impressive Ed Marman as “An educator, librar-
With fireplace flames flickering, Library Director Jody Wolak told collection of books.” She said that ian, and patron of the arts whose
Friends of the Wayne Public Library, those assembled that Ed “was very the establishment of the Wayne Pub- value of all things cultural was
library staff, city staff, city council well-loved in the community.” lic Library was an obsession with Ed, demonstrated in his love for this li-
members and friends of Ed gathered Mary Lindsay, a long-time and from conception, location, design, brary and his conviction of its impor-
in the room that holds shelves of dear friend of Ed’s shared “He was books and classes. He was so proud tance to the citizens of Wayne.”
8 · February 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch