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Wayne Business and Professional Women, at the Wayne Chamber Coffee Hour. Photo
by Bruce Chick courtesy of the Wayne Historical Museum.
WAYNE, Continued from page 3 for women,” says Glandon. “We’ve
been following the ERA [Equal
and we received so many. When I got Rights Amendment] ever since I
up to speak, I almost lost it.” joined—keeping up with that and
What started many years ago as hoping they can get it made into law.
just as a tea party has since blos- The deadline was extended, so hope-
somed into an affair that gives its fully it will become a law.”
guests much to savor, including an The Equal Rights Amendment is
impressive menu of eats such as a proposed amendment to the
meatballs, veggie trays, desserts, and United States Constitution designed
other delectable bites. to guarantee equal legal rights for all
Coffee and tea were provided by American citizens regardless of sex.
Karma Coffee and Kitchen here in It seeks to end the legal distinctions
Wayne. between men and women in terms of
The tea party is a prime opportu- divorce, property, employment, and
nity for each hostess to display her other matters.
unique creativity, as it’s each hostess’ As Glandon will tell anyone who
responsibility to decorate the table will listen, there is still plenty of
where her eight guests will be seated. work to be done. And BPW/Wayne
“I love the traditional green and welcomes those who wish to offer
red,” says Glandon, who is a gradu- support.
ate of St. Mary’s Catholic School. “A “We can share our vast experience
lot of times, I’ll just go through my with each other, issues that are im-
decorations downstairs and decide portant to us, such as health, human
what I want to do.” trafficking, etc., we need to be aware
As beautiful as they were, the of what’s happening out there,” she
splendid colors weren’t the takeaway says. Since its inception 92 years
of the 2021 party: It was the generos- ago, BPW/Wayne has benefitted from
ity which took center stage. the time and energy of an array of
If guests brought a brand-new, local women, including educators,
unwrapped children’s toy or a nurses, and salespeople. The group
canned good, they earned a ticket for is currently comprised of 11 mem-
a door prize. The canned goods were bers and is ready to welcome more.
given to St. Mary Outreach Center’s “We are so loyal to each other—we
John Bolde Food Depot; the toys are thick as thieves,” says Glandon a
were then delivered to Saints Simon longtime Wayne resident who now re-
and Jude Catholic Church in West- sides in Westland but still considers
land. herself a Wayneite. “I love the people,
Remembers Glandon, “We col- the fundraisers we’ve done,” she
lected close to 100 toys, which en- says. “And now we have friendships.”
abled 56 local families to pick out To learn more about Wayne Busi-
toys for their children.” ness and Professional Women,
It was a fitting way for please call (734) 748-2817 or e-mail
BPW/Wayne to end the year. H e l e n g l a n d o n @ y a h o o . c o m .
Going forward, the organization BPW/Wayne meets at Wayne Public
will continue to keep their sights set Library on the fourth Tuesday of
firmly on empowering women, in every month (with the exceptions of
particular, “trying to get equal pay January and February) 6:30 p.m.
4 · March 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch