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Volunteers with some of the food donated by Cliff’s Souper Bowl food drive.
Veteran’s Haven received
16,000 lbs food donation
By Sarah Shurge forced to retire at an early age. He
For nearly 30 years, Veteran’s took a job delivering food and saw a
Haven has been helping veterans in lot of homeless people in the
need within our community. process. After talking to some of
“I just want people to know we’re them, he discovered that many of
here and we’re willing to help as them were veterans.
much as possible,” said Judy Berna, This sparked the idea within
co-founder of Veteran’s Haven since Vince and Judy to establish Veteran’s
it was established in 1994. Haven.
Veteran’s Haven is a non-profit or- “In the beginning, I was doing
ganization run on donations and vol- everything here, said Berna. “I hung
unteers with the purpose of helping lights in the parking lot, I drove a Hi-
homeless and needy veterans with Lo, I did paperwork, and everything.
food, clothing, job opportunities, But my husband did most of the
and much more. heavy lifting.”
“They [veterans] need our help,” In 1999, Veterans’ Haven part-
said Berna. “If you don’t have a fam- nered with Gleaners Community
ily member or know someone that is Food Bank.
a veteran, you don't usually think to “Gleaners brings a lot of food,”
help them. A lot of our vets have said Berna. “Every Tuesday the
served and are coming back with is- truck comes in, but we never know
sues and we have to help them.” what we’re gonna get. We get a lot of
Berna’s husband, Vince Berna,
was a Vietnam veteran that was See Veteran’s, page 8
6 · March 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch