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SURVIVOR, Continued from page 3    like a big rubber band snapping in-  me  and  take  me  to  urgent  care.  days. “I went through 7 bags of IV an-
                                             side, and it causes horrible pain and  Then by the time he arrived to pick  tibiotics, they alternated between two
          scription  for  an  abdominal  ultra-  bloating, followed by a fever.”  me up, I already determined that I  antibiotics,  one  of  which  burned
          sound.” Rhaesa underwent two ultra-   Again, Rhaesa called her gynecol-  wanted  to  go  straight  to  the  main  going in and the nurse put ice packs
          sounds  shortly  thereafter  and   ogist.  Due to COVID, gynecologist’s  hospital” said Rhaesa.  “My brother  on my arm to help with the discom-
          requested that the results be sent to  offices were so backed up, Rhaesa  was trying to be careful driving, he  fort” says Rhaesa.  “John arrived at
          her gynecologist.                  was  given  available  appointment  could see I was in pain, I held my  the hospital to spend the night with
             Concurrently, Rhaesa continued  dates two months away.             seatbelt out from my stomach the en-  me and my brother-in-law took my
          to prioritize the well-being of loved  On March 29, Rhaesa’s condition  tire drive and I reclined my seat and  mother home.  The next morning, I
          ones.  She  regularly  assisted  her  worsened.                       braced my feet on the floorboard of  told  John  I  could  have  my  sister
          mother and John was also helping      Recalls  Rhaesa,  “I  felt  sluggish  his vehicle.”  Rhaesa and her brother  come stay with me so he could go
          his mother.  Additionally, since 2016,  and just kept laying down, and I had  picked up their mother and headed  home and feed the dog and take care
          she and her husband John had been  no appetite. But I was just thinking  straight to the ER at St. Joe’s Hospi-  of her.”  Rhaesa’s sister came up and
          the primary caregivers for an elderly  that an ovarian cyst had ruptured.”  tal.                        stayed  with  her  and  shortly  after,
          friend,  who  still  hadn’t  returned  But a turning point happened a   Once  at  the  hospital,  things  Rhaesa  underwent  an  MRI,  which
          home after being hospitalized in Oc-  few days later on March 31.     moved quickly for Rhaesa.  “I got an  drastically  altered  the  course  the
          tober of 2021.                        Rhaesa  and  her  husband  had  IV inserted, and they felt around my  doctors had planned to take.
             In short, Rhaesa’s plate was full.  tickets  to  see  contemporary  Chris-  stomach—thinking  that  it  was  my  “The doctors wanted to be clear
          Rhaesa  and  her  husband  buried  tian  music  singer  Steven  Curtis  appendix,  they  also  scanned  my  on  where  to  insert  the  needle  [to
          both of their fathers the same week,  Chapman perform live at Plymouth’s  bladder and did several other tests  draw fluid from the mass], but once
          her father on Monday, February 7th,  NorthRidge Church where they were  late into the night.”           the  doctor  saw  the  MRI,  they  de-
          and his father on Friday, February  meeting up with friends.            Two  doctors  had  examined     clined because they didn’t want any-
          11th.    And  the  episodes  were  in-  When Rhaesa entered the church,  Rhaesa  prior  to  an  ultrasound,  thing to spread,” says Rhaesa. “They
          creasing in frequency, one of them  she was taken aback by an extreme—  which revealed that an abscess had  said that they’d have to remove the
          occurring  the  night  before  her  fa-  tearing—ache in her abdomen. She  ruptured,  and  another  ultrasound  mass  surgically—an  open  surgery
          ther’s viewing.                    quickly  realized  that  she  couldn’t  was  completed  as  well.  Finally,  a  that would also involve a radical hys-
             “On  St.  Patrick's  Day,  I  had  an-  stay at the performance. Rhaesa in-  CAT scan identified a mass that doc-  terectomy as well as the removal of
          other—a  pretty  bad  one,”  says  sisted John stay at the concert with  tors suspected was cancerous.  the  appendix  and  omentum.”  The
          Rhaesa. “John and I had plans to go  their  friends.  ”I  called  my  brother  Rhaesa was kept at the hospital  first step, doctors said, was to rid
          to US 12 to get our St. Patty’s Day  who  lived  close  to  the  church.    I  for two nights and was given IV an-
          dinner…but I felt it coming on. It’s  asked him if he could come and get  tibiotics and pain medication both        See Survivor, page 6

          4 · September 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch
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