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SURVIVOR, Continued from page 4 diagnosis, who would have thought I what of a signature for her. Rhaesa
would be having surgery before had already been donating her hair–
her body of the infection that was him?” she said. 12 to 14 inches worth—approxi-
being caused by the abscess. Rhaesa Rhaesa was officially diagnosed mately every two years.
then returned home for two weeks with stage 2A ovarian cancer, which Rhaesa hopes that by sharing her
with antibiotics. had spread from her right ovary to experience she can ultimately help
Unsurprisingly, the revelation outside of her uterus. It wasn’t until others, and when asked about her
that Rhaesa likely had ovarian can- her first visit to the oncologist on saving grace throughout her journey
cer was shocking. “I had some tears April 6th (one week before surgery) thus far, she doesn’t hesitate with her
in my eyes, but I wasn’t sobbing,” that she learned the mass in her ab- reply.
says Rhaesa. The doctor asked domen was the size of a football and “I feel that God has been with me
Rhaesa if she was okay? “It’s a lot,” that removing it would leave her with every step of the way and he has put
she said. “My sister had spent the a 10” vertical scar. me at ease about everything. Even
night and it was early, about 6 a.m. Rhaesa had surgery on April 12, my family is amazed at how well I
when the doctors revealed to me that a blood transfusion on April 13 and handled my diagnosis and my treat-
they thought I might have cancer. My returned home on April 15, and had ments, I just had a peace about all of
sister quickly came over to my side her chemotherapy port inserted 13 it, plus I had my Dad as my guardian
and held my hand,” said Rhaesa. “It days later on April 28—which also angel watching over me,” she said.
was a tough moment.” happened to be her fiftieth birthday. “My husband John has done such
Rhaesa does, in fact, have a fam- Rhaesa, however, still found great a wonderful job helping me through
ily history of cancer via her mother’s reason to celebrate. Following her all of this, cancer didn’t just happen
side. “My mother’s sister had breast Natalie pictured with her brother Donald birthday dinner with family at Buca to me, it happened to him as well. I
cancer, and I later found out that (Jim) at her 5th chemo treatment. di Beppo, Rhaesa ended the night can’t even imagine what he must
someone with an aunt who has who would accompany Rhaesa on with an act that some might liken to have been going through when I was
breast cancer is more likely to get her fifth chemotherapy treatment, looking her diagnosis in the face and in surgery, not knowing if it was can-
ovarian cancer,” she said. Rhaesa was diagnosed with prostate cancer grabbing it by the horns: She invited cer and if so, what stage? Because
also learned that all four of her in late March. “He had his surgery her mother’s hairdresser to her of COVID, he was unable to have any-
aunt’s daughters had a hysterectomy May 25th and his cancer was con- home to promptly cut her hair into one with him in the waiting room, it
by age 45. tained and able to be completely re- the shape of a short bob. was a long five hours,” said Rhaesa.
But that isn’t the total extent of moved, so no further treatment [was “I wanted my hair cut before my “On top of worrying about me, he
Rhaesa’s family history with regards necessary]. We learned of my first chemotherapy appointment so still had our businesses to run, du-
to cancer. In fact, it hits even closer brother’s cancer and his upcoming that I could donate it,” says Rhaesa,
to home: Rhaesa’s brother, Jim— surgery less than 2 weeks before my whose long, raven locks are some- See Survivor, page 8
6 · September 2022 · The Wayne Dispatch