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Wayne’s newest city council members

          By Sarah Shurge                                                                                            “I’m not going to be able to make
             On Tuesday, November 8th, 2022,                                                                      big changes on my own. The council
          the Wayne City Council elected three                                                                    is  a  group  of  people  that  work  to-
          new  members:  Eric  Cleereman,                                                                         gether and make tough decisions on
          Mathew Mulholland, and returning                                                                        the way. It's going to be a process,
          member, Deb Wass.                                                                                       but being able to make some positive
             "I am looking forward to working                                                                     improvements would be great,” said
          together with the new council so we                                                                     Mulholland.
          can continue to make Wayne better                                                                          Wass is a long-standing resident
          for all of the residents,” said Wayne                                                                   of Wayne with a passion and love for
          Mayor John Rhaesa.                                                                                      the city.
             Let’s get to know the new mem-                                                                          In June 2021, Wass became an
          bers  of  the  council  that  will  be                                                                  appointed council member through
          repreenting the city of Wayne.                                                                          an  interview  process.  This  time
             Cleereman has lived in the City of         Councilman              Councilman          Councilwoman   around,  she  became  a  member
          Wayne for nine years and he has an          Eric Cleereman     Mathew Mulholland          Deborah Wass  through the election process.
          8 year old son.                       Cleereman  worked  Information  months, he did a tour in Germany.    “It was a really great experience to
             “My favorite thing about Wayne is  Technology  (IT)  jobs  for  25  years  His  second  tour  was  for  Desert  go  through  the  election  process,”
          that it has a real small-town feel to it,  doing programming and network ad-  Storm. After he returned and gradu-  said Wass. “Being elected was really
          but at the same time it's close to a lot  ministration. Three years ago, he de-  ated from college, he signed up for  cool.  I  got  so  much  support  from
          of the big cities,” said Cleereman.   cided to switch careers to challenge  active-duty tours around the United  people in the community and I am
             Cleereman has been a member of  himself and started doing furniture  States and re-enlisted.         honored to represent.”
          the  Parks  and  Trails  Committee  sales and school bus driving.       Mulholland served a total of 10    Being a returning council mem-
          since it’s been founded and involved  In 2020, Cleereman had a stroke  years in the military.           ber, Wass stated she is excited to hit
          with the Commission on Aging for   and has been recovering since. Un-   Mulholland has a love for the city  the ground running with knowledge
          two years.                         fortunately, he has not been able to  and was on the city council in 2007.  and experience.
             “I love this city and want to help  drive buses during his recovery.  “Things  were  very  different  in  “I want to keep helping the way I
          the council advance it for myself, my  “I hoped to get elected but when it  2007. The city has changed a lot in  have been. We all work together to
          family, my neighbors, just the whole  actually happened, honestly, I was a  15  years,”  said  Mulholland.  “You  find  different  avenues  and  bring
          city,” said Cleereman.             little bit surprised,”said Cleereman.  can’t complain if you don't want to  them together and try to get things
             Cleereman  has  been  involved  “It felt good.”                    get  involved.  I’m  the  type  that  I’d  done,” said Wass. “I want everyone to
          with  politics  since  he  moved  to  Mathew  Mulholland  was  born   rather get involved than sit back. So,  know that I take the job seriously. It's
          Wayne and he even ran for city coun-  and raised in the City of Wayne.   this is a great opportunity for me to  a big responsibility that I'm pleased
          cil four years ago.                   His  grandparents  moved  to    get  involved  and  give  back  to  the  the  citizens  were  willing  to  let  me
             “I’ve been to council meetings. I  Wayne in 1919 and opened a cloth-  community.”                    have.” If you’re interested in attend-
          thought I could be more helpful and  ing store. Born at Annapolis Hospital  Mulholland is involved with the  ing a city council meeting, they are
          more involved in the city on the coun-  (now  Beaumont  Hospital,  Wayne),  City of Wayne in many ways.   held the first and third Tuesday of
          cil than being in the audience,” said  Mulholland was the youngest of 10  “Besides the City of Wayne, one of  every month at 7 p.m. at the Wayne
          Cleereman.                         kids.                              my passions and a place very near  City Hall.
             This  time  around,  Cleereman     He  attended  St.  Mary’s  Parish,  and  dear  to  my  heart  is  St.  Mary  If you are unable to attend in per-
          was elected.                       Benjamin  Franklin  Middle  School,  Parish,” said Mulholland.       son,  the  council  meetings  are  also
             “I’d rather represent the people,  and  graduated  from  Wayne  Memo-  He is involved in the St. Mary’s fi-  live-streamed on the City of Wayne
          than my own personal views,” said  rial High School.                  nance committee, does fundraising  YouTube page.
          Cleereman. “I plan on voting how I    After graduating high school, Mul-  campaigns, and so much more. He  For more information about the
          feel  the  people  would  like  to  vote,  holland  joined  the  United  States  also is very involved in Friends of the  city council or any of the members,
          rather than my personal opinion.”   Army  to  pay  for  college.  For  19  Rouge (FOTR).                you can visit

                                                                                                                 The Wayne Dispatch · January 2023 · 5
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